Bias geografi di Wikipedia adalah sebuah ketidaksetaraan dalam persebaran kontennya dalam hal asosiasi geografi dari subyek-subyek artikel. Ini adalah sebuah unsur dari kritisisme terhadap Wikipedia, selain bias-bias lainnya, seperti bias gender, bias rasial, atau ideologi.[1]
The following references are found in Beytía's article:
Graham, M., Hogan, B., Straumann, R. K. & Medhat, A. Uneven geographies of user-generated information: patterns of increasing informational poverty. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104, 746–764 (2014).
Graham, M. Information geographies and geographies of information. New geographies (2015).
Roll, U. et al. Using Wikipedia page views to explore the cultural importance of global reptiles. Biological conservation, 204, 42–50 (2016).
Overell, S. E. & Rüger, S. View of the world according to Wikipedia: Are we all little Steinbergs? Journal of Computational Science, 2, 193–197 (2011).
Graham, M., Hale, S. A. & Stephens, M. Geographies of the World’s Knowledge. (2011).
Graham, M., De Sabbata, S. & Zook, M. A. Towards a study of information geographies:(im) mutable augmentations and a mapping of the geographies of information. Geo: Geography and environment, 2, 88–105 (2015).