The 1991Barcelona Dragons season was the inaugural season for the franchise in the newly created World League of American Football (WLAF). The team was led by head coach Jack Bicknell, and played its home games at Estadi Olímpic de Montjuïc in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. The three European teams had dominated the North American ones, and in week 9, Barcelona had lost to Frankfurt Galaxy, which had both teams tied at 7-2 for the wild card spot, with Frankfurt having the tie breaker advantage, and Barcelona still having to face the unbeaten London Monarchs. Galaxy lost their last game, though, which gave Barcelona the chance to win the wildcard by beating the Monarchs in Wembley. Which they did, to the surprise of Frankfurt, less so to the surprise of London.
Thus, the Dragons finished the regular season in second place of the European Division with a record of eight wins and two losses. In the postseason, the Dragons beat the Birmingham Fire in the semifinals before losing to the London Monarchs in a World Bowl '91 shut-out, again at Wembley.
After the completion of the regular season, the All-World League team was selected by the league's ten head coaches.[8] Overall, Barcelona had six players selected, with two on the first team and four on the second team.[8] The five selections were: