APEC Mexico 2002
APEC Mexico 2002 was a series of political meetings held around Mexico between the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation[1] during 2002.[2][3] Leaders from all member countries met from 26–27 October 2002 in Los Cabos.[3] Counter-terrorism efforts were major topics on the agenda of APEC Mexico 2002.[4] The APEC summit attempted to present a new opportunity for Asian investors and commercial agents to discover Mexico as a profitable frontier in the future.[5] Attending country representatives
PrioritiesThe three priorities of the APEC summit were: 1. Implementation of policies on trade, investment and finance to promote economic growth and extract gains from the New Economy; 2. Capacity building to obtain benefits from development through the promotion of micro, small and medium sized enterprises; 3. Strengthening APEC's international relevance by encouraging greater participation of youth and women, intensifying efforts to promote the benefits of globalization and improving the functioning of APEC. References