Since 2003, president of the International Club of the Golden Section, and from 2005, Director of the Golden Section Institute, Academy of Trinitarizm (Russia).
Initiated the creation of the so-called "Slavic Golden Group" (Kyiv, 1992) and was Scientific Director of the International Congress on the Mathematics of Harmony (Odesa, 2010).
Brief description of research and scientific achievements
Created a new direction in the measurement theory, the algorithmicmeasurementtheory described in his book – A.P. Stakhov. "Introduction into Algorithmic Measurement Theory" (Moscow: Soviet Radio, 1977).
Created the theory of the redundant number systems based on the generalised Fibonacci numbers (Fibonaccip-codes) and the generalised golden proportions (codes of the golden p-proportion) The principals of the Fibonaccip-codes and the new computer arithmetic based on them are described in his book – A.P. Stakhov. "Introduction into Algorithmic Measurement Theory" (Moscow: Soviet Radio, 1977). The fundamentals of the theory of the codes of the goldenp-proportion are stated in the book – AP Stakhov. The Codes of the Golden Proportion (Moscow, Radio and Communication, 1984).
Put forward the concept of "Fibonacci computers". The international priority of this invention was protected by the Soviet Union in an unprecedented patenting operation by Soviet standards, resulting in 65 international patents, covering the territories of the United States, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada and other countries.
Elaborated and evolved the concept "Mathematics of Harmony",[2] which goes back in its foundations to Euclid's “Elements” (III c. BC), "Divina Proportione" (Divine proportion) by Luca Pacioli (1509), Harmonice Mundi (Harmony of the World) by Johannes Kepler (1619). For the first time the concept of "Mathematics of Harmony" in relation to the achievements of modern science was presented by Prof. Stakhov in a speech "The Golden Section and Modern Harmony Mathematics," made at the seventh International Conference "Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications" (Austria, Graz, 1996). The book "The Mathematics of Harmony. From Euclid to Contemporary Mathematics and Computer Science" – 748 pages (World Scientific, 2009) is Stakhov's main scientific achievement in this field.[3]
Published over 500 scientific works, among them 14 books, 65 international patents, 130 USSR invention certificates. During his work in Canada (2004–2012) published over 30 articles in international journals (Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Applied Mathematics, Arc Combinatoria, Visual Mathematics, etc.).
Alexey Stakhov prepared 30 PhD students, five of Stakhov's PhD students, became Doctors of Sciences.
Stakhov AP Algorithmic measurement theory. (New in Life, Science and Technology. Series "Mathematics, Cybernetics"). Moscow: "Knowledge", 1979, 64 p. Circulation 38,470 copies. (Ukraininan Ministry of Higher Education awarded the prize for the best scientific publication in 1980) (Russian)
Stakhov AP. Codes of the Golden Proportion. Moscow: Radio and Communications, 1984, 152 p., Circulation 10 000 copies. (Russian)
Stakhov AP. Algorithmic measurement theory and foundations of computer arithmetic. Journal "Measurement. Control. Automation ", 1981 (Russian)
Stakhov AP. The Golden Section in the Measurement Theory. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 1989, Vol. 17, No 4–6, 613–638.
Stakhov A.P. The Golden Section and Modern Harmony Mathematics. Applications of Fibonacci Numbers. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998
Stakhov A.P. Brousentsov's ternary principle, Bergman's number system and ternary mirror-symmetrical arithmetic. “The Computer Journal” (British Computer Society), 2002.
Series of articles (30 articles) on various aspects of the "Mathematics of Harmony." Published at the international journals "Chaos, Solitons & Fractals," «Congressus Numerantium," "Visual Mathematics," "Design & Mathematics," "Applied Mathematics" during 2004–2012.
Stakhov AP The Generalized Golden Sections and a New Approach to the Geometric Definition of a Number. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2004 (Russian).
Stakhov, AP, Sluchenkova, AA, Shcherbakov, IG. Da Vinci Code and the Fibonacci series. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2006, 320 pp., circulation 8000 copies.
Stakhov. AP. The Golden Ratio, Sacred Geometry and the Mathematics of Harmony. The book "Metaphysics. Century XXI ». Moscow, BINOM, 2006, p. 174–215.
Stakhov – AP Three "Key" Problems of Mathematics at the Stage of Its Origin and the Mathematics of Harmony as an Alternative Direction in the Development of Mathematics. The book “Totallogy-XXI,” National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2007, p. 274–323.
A. Stakhov, S. Aranson. Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas Functions, “Golden” Fibonacci Goniometry, Bodnar's Geometry, and Hilbert's Fourth Problem.. Applied Mathematics, 2011, 1 (January), 2 (February), 3 (March)
Stakhov AP. The Mathematics of Harmony: from Euclid to Contemporary Mathematics and Computer Science. Electronic Journal "NAUKOVEDENIE ", Vol 4, 2012, p. 105 (Russian)
^MATHEMATICS OF HARMONY: FROM EUCLID TO CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (Series in Knots and Everything, 22). World Scientific Publishing Company. 2009. ISBN978-9812775825.