Alpine Climbers
Alpine Climbers is a 1936 American animated short film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by United Artists. The cartoon follows Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Pluto climb the side of a mountain. The film was directed by David Hand and includes the voices of Walt Disney as Mickey, Clarence Nash as Donald, and Lee Millar as Pluto. It was the 9th Mickey Mouse short to be released that year. As a work published in 1936 and a proper renewal notice filed within 28 years, the short will enter the American public domain in 2032.[4][a] SynopsisUp in the Swiss Alps, Mickey Mouse tangles with a mother eagle, Donald Duck scraps with an edelweiss-stealing goat and Pluto gets inebriated with a St. Bernard. Voice cast
ProductionThis is the only known Disney cartoon to feature animation by Carl Barks, an American cartoonist later known for his Donald Duck comics.[6] One scene involving an Eagle flying was reworked with Walt Disney's input after he suggested the Eagle looked too human.[7] Home mediaThe short was released on December 4, 2001 on Walt Disney Treasures: Mickey Mouse in Living Color.[8] See alsoReferences
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