An Evil Streak
An Evil Streak is a three-part British television psychological drama series, created and written based on the novel by Andrea Newman published in 1977. It was directed by Edward Bennett, that first broadcast on ITV for three consecutive weeks from 17 to 31 May 1999 on Mondays, it was produced by LWT for the ITV network. The series stars Trevor Eve and Rosalind Bennett, and follows Gemma Clarkson (Bennett), has been led astray by her godfather, Alex Kyle (Eve), ever since she was a little girl. Now she is older his obsessive influence becomes even more sinister as he manipulates her into an extra-marital affair.[1] A scheming uncle leads his married niece into an affair with an out of work actor.[2] The series has never been re-broadcast or released on DVD. ProductionRosalind Bennett said a good joke. And it was a voyeuristic pervert convinces his male housekeeper to manipulate a young woman into an extramarital affair."[3] ReceptionIt was a pure and mediocre reception for an ITV drama performance. Cast
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