Antioch High School is a publichigh school located in Antioch, California, United States. It is located at 700 West 18th Street between G and L streets. It is a comprehensive high school for grades 9-12. There are about 120 teachers, and 20 maintenance and office staff. The administration consists of a principal and four vice principals. Departments at the school include English; mathematics; physical, earth, and life sciences; social studies; physical education; vocal and instrumental music; video, photographic, sculpted, painted and drawn arts; foreign languages; health and sports medicine; auto and wood shop; and engineering.
AHS opened in Antioch, California in 1955. It is the second high school in Antioch, replacing the old high school (which is now the city museum). The school is currently being remodeled with upgrades throughout the entire school. This project is now completed.
In 2010, Antioch High started the Academy of Engineering and Designing a Greener Environment (EDGE) which is a pathway that integrates the core classes with an engineering class to give students a peek into careers in engineering. Professor Jason Ebner from UC Berkeley gives instruction at this institution.
Environmental Studies
In 2012, Antioch launched an Environmental Studies Academy.
In 2012, Antioch launched a Leadership and Public Service Academy.
In 2012, Antioch launched a Media/Tech Academy.[4]