Auckland Regional Transport Authority
The Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) was the central co-ordinating agency for transport (especially but not only public transport) in the Auckland Region of New Zealand from 2004 to 2010. In this role, ARTA provided public transport services, assigned funding and subsidies, and organised and advised on many aspects of regionwide transport. ARTA was under the control of the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) and was replaced by Auckland Transport on 1 November 2010. FunctionsARTA's roles included:
About half of the ARC's rates went to fund public transport via ARTA.[1] Establishment and dissolutionARTA was established through the Local Government (Auckland) Amendment Act 2004 to take on the transport functions of the ARC along with new roles in transport planning and the prioritisation of transport funding. The establishment of ARTA was one of a set of changes announced on 12 December 2003 in the Investing for Growth transport package. The package also announced significant new funding measures including a $900m Crown contribution to Auckland transport over 10 years. Governance and funding of transport in Auckland was complex. The Royal Commission on Auckland Governance, set up in 2007, described then arrangements for transport in Auckland as:
On 1 November 2010, ARTA was superseded by Auckland Transport, a council-controlled organisation established to focus on delivering transport projects and services for the newly formed Auckland Council. Auckland Transport is responsible for local authority transport delivery functions inherited from the eight Auckland local authorities and ARTA including local roads and public transport. Planning and fundingThe Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy[3] (ARLTS), prepared by the Auckland Regional Council, set out a vision for Auckland’s transport system, and a 10-year framework for working towards this vision. ARTA was required to give effect to the ARLTS, both through its own actions and by setting priorities for the funding of land transport activities in the Region.[4] ARTA achieved this by preparing the Auckland Transport Plan,[5] and detailed implementation plans. Each year, ARTA prepared a Land Transport Programme[6] setting out its recommendations for the funding of transport projects (excluding below-track rail infrastructure) in the Auckland region. Rail projectsKiwiRail undertook Project DART[7] (Developing Auckland's Rail Transport network) in association with ARTA (now Auckland Transport) to upgrade Auckland's rail network, signalling and train station platforms and buildings. The budget for the project was $600 million,[8] and included:
Bus and ferry servicesARTA aimed to grow public transport patronage in Auckland by:
The Northern Busway in North Shore City is an example of a flagship project. See also