Batkid Begins is a 2015 American documentary film co-produced (with Liza Meak), co-written (with Kurt Kuenne) and directed by Dana Nachman. The documentary follows Miles Scott, an American child and cancer survivor. His wish was to be "Batkid", a sidekick of the eponymous comic book superhero Batman. Once the request went out, thousands of volunteers, city officials, businesses and supporters rallied to turn San Francisco, California into "Gotham City" – the fictional home city of Batman, on November 15, 2013, for one of the largest and most elaborate Make-A-Wish projects ever staged. The film was released by Warner Bros. Pictures on June 26, 2015.
It featured footage shot live by John Crane Films on Batkid Day. John Crane also served as executive producer for the film.
Batkid Begins received positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a rating of 82%, based on 60 reviews, with a rating of 7.1/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "Sweet and unabashedly sentimental, Batkid Begins is an uplifting look at a selfless act that brought a city together."[5] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 63 out of 100, based on 14 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews".[6]