Beauty in Black (TV series)
Beauty in Black is an American drama television series created, directed and executive produced by Tyler Perry. The series stars Crystle Stewart and Taylor Polidore Williams as two women leading very different lives. The 8-episode drama series premiered on Netflix on October 24, 2024.[1][2] PremiseA young stripper's life takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with a powerful wealthy, yet very dysfunctional family behind a cosmetic empire and a devious trafficking scheme. Cast and charactersMain
ProductionIn October, 2023, Tyler Perry signed multi-year first-look deal with Netflix.[3] On February 12, 2024, it was reported that Netflix has ordered 16-episode drama series Beauty in Black, his first series for streaming service under the deal.[1] In April 2024, the cast was announced with Taylor Polidore Williams and Crystle Stewart as leads, Amber Reign Smith, Ricco Ross, Debbi Morgan, Richard Lawson, Steven G. Norfleet, Julian Horton, and Terrell Carter as series regulars.[4] Shannon Wallace, Bryan Tanaka, Joy Rovaris, Xavier Smalls, Charles Malik Whitfield, Tamera “Tee” Kissen, Ursula O. Robinson, Ashley Versher and George Middlebrook were was cast in a recurring roles.[5][6][7] ReceptionCritical responseThe first season received negative reviews from television critics.[8] Television critic Andrew Lawrence from The Guardian gave it one star of five writing: "The wildly successful mogul’s first drama series for the streamer is a disaster with one-dimensional characters and haphazard plotting".[9] Joel Keller from the Decider also gave it a negative review writing: "Tyler Perry’s Beauty In Black is about a subtle as a slap in the face, which is something we’re surprised we didn’t see in the grim, abuse-filled first episode" but noted Crystle Stewart's performance as Mallory Bellaire.[10] Audience viewershipBeauty in Black debuted as Netflix‘s fourth-most-watched series with 5.6 million views in its first four days of availability. On the second week, it rose to the top of the streamer’s TV chart for October 28 to November 3, hitting 8.7 million views.[11][12] References
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