Beethoven Lives Upstairs
Beethoven Lives Upstairs is a 1992 HBO Original Film produced and directed by David Devine. Based on a very popular children's audio recording written and directed by Barbara Nichol, the film stars Illya Woloshyn as Christoph, a young boy who develops a friendship with composer Ludwig van Beethoven (Neil Munro), a boarder in the boy's parents' house. The film was shot in Prague in the Czech Republic and has been broadcast in over 110 countries in numerous languages and has sold over one million DVDs. The film is used extensively, thanks to its American Library Association's reviews and awards, in U.S. and Canadian elementary and middle school music classrooms. The film went on to win the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program in 1993,[1] was nominated for 4 Gemini Awards, won the New England Film Festival, and was presented the Award of Excellence from the U.S. National Board of Film Review. Beethoven Lives Upstairs was also admitted to the Permanent Collection in the Paley Center for Media in New York City. Plot
Ten-year-old Christoph's father has died, and his uncle Kurt, a student at the Vienna Conservatory, arranges for Ludwig van Beethoven to rent their attic room. Christoph doesn't like having a stranger in the house, is put off by Beethoven's eccentric behavior, and is teased by the neighborhood children over this. Kurt tells Christoph about the pain of Beethoven's deafness and implores him to give the man a chance. When Christoph's mother enters Beethoven's room, he is writing music on the shutters, presumably lacking paper. He sheepishly suggests she could later sell the shutters as collectors items. He asks her about her musical background, and she plays "Für Elise" for him, beginning to see his softer side. While working on his Ninth Symphony in his room with other musicians, Beethoven needs to make edits, but has destroyed all their pens in previous fits. They frantically send Christoph out to buy more, but they leave before he returns. Beethoven takes Christoph out for a walk, where the two begin to bond. Soon, Christoph begins seeing things from Beethoven's side. After overhearing Beethoven talk about his misery from being deaf, Christoph gives him an ear trumpet designed by his father. Beethoven later promises Christoph and his mother tickets to the premier performance. Beethoven becomes increasingly stressed as the concert date nears. Christoph enters after Beethoven has had yet another quarrel with Sophie, their maid, and accidentally spills the sheet music, earning Beethoven's wrath. Kurt reassures Christoph that Beethoven's notorious tempers are short-lived and that someone able to write music as he does must have a great heart. Later, Beethoven humbly apologizes to Sophie for his behavior and hands her the tickets to give to Christoph and his mother. The concert is a triumph. Beethoven is nominally conducting, but can't hear the orchestra, so Kurt discreetly conducts from the side. The orchestra finishes while Beethoven is still "conducting", so Kurt and one of the singers turn him around so he can see the audience's wild applause. After Beethoven's death, Christoph reflects on his experiences, saying that although Beethoven is gone, "his music will never die", and how Beethoven "thought he could change the world with his music – maybe he will... bit by bit." Cast
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