Bloody Kids
Bloody Kids is a British television film written by Stephen Poliakoff and directed by Stephen Frears, made by Black Lion Films for ATV, and first shown on ITV on 22 March 1980. Cast
Filming locationsFilmed in south east Essex, with locations in Southend-on-Sea,[1] Westcliff, Leigh-on-Sea and Canvey Island, the opening five minutes are of the bridge down to Leigh-on-Sea's cockle sheds, with a lorry hanging over. Furtherwick Park School Canvey Island,[2] was used for the school scenes, and Southend United's ground, Roots Hall, was used for the stabbing scenes.[3] Disco scenes in Southend are notable for an early television appearance of Mel Smith playing the bouncer. Victoria Circus, Southend seafront and hospital are all used as locations, culminating in a climactic scene outside the Casino, Canvey Island, on a London double decker bus. References
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