Calendar of saints (Church in Wales) Calendar of the Church in Wales
In the Calendar of the Church in Wales , each holy and saint's day listed has been assigned a number which indicates its category. Commemorations not included in this Calendar may be observed with the approval of the bishop.
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
1 The Naming of Jesus
3 Morris Williams (1874), Priest and Poet
6 The Epiphany of our Lord
10 William Laud (1645), Bishop
11 Rhys Prichard (1644), Priest and Poet
11 William Williams (1791), Deacon and Poet
11 Isaac Williams (1865), Priest and Poet
13 Hilary (368), Bishop
14 Kentigern (c 603), Bishop
17 Antony (356), Abbot
18 The Confession of Peter, Apostle
21 Agnes (304), Virgin and Martyr
23 Francis de Sales (1622), Bishop
24 Cadoc (6th century), Abbot
25 The Conversion of Paul, Apostle
26 Timothy and Titus , Companions of Paul
27 John Chrysostom (407), Bishop and Doctor
28 Thomas Aquinas (1274), Doctor
1 Bride or Bridget (6th century), Abbess
2 The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas )
3 The Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of Europe
3 Seiriol (6th century), Abbot
4 Manche Masemola (1928), Martyr
9 Teilo (6th century), Bishop
14 Cyril (869), Monk and Missionary
14 Methodius (885), Bishop and Missionary
18 John of Fiesole (Fra Angelico ) (1455), Priest, Religious and Painter
18 Andrei Rublev (c 1430), Religious, Painter
19 Thomas Burgess (1837), Bishop and Teacher of the Faith
20 The Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of Africa
23 Polycarp (c 155), Bishop and Martyr
24 Matthias , Apostle
27 George Herbert (1633), Priest, and all Pastors
Ember Days : Wednesday, Friday and Saturday following Lent I
1 David (6th century), Bishop, Patron Saint of Wales
2 Chad , Bishop (672)
5 Non (5th century), Mother of David of Wales
7 Perpetua , Felicity and their Companions (203), Martyrs
9 Gregory of Nyssa , Bishop (395)
12 Gregory the Great (604), Bishop and Doctor
17 Patrick (5th century), Bishop, Patron Saint of Ireland
18 Cyril of Jerusalem (386), Bishop
19 Joseph of Nazareth
20 Cuthbert , Bishop (687)
21 Thomas Cranmer (1556), Bishop, Teacher of the Faith and Martyr
21 Hugh Latimer , Nicholas Ridley , and Robert Ferrar (1555), Bishops, Teachers of the Faith and Martyrs
24 Oscar Romero (1980), Bishop and Martyr
25 The Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary
29 Woolos (6th century), King
30 John Keble , Priest and Teacher (1886)
31 John Donne , Priest and Poet (1631)
Eastertide: Thanksgiving for Holy Baptism
3 Richard , Bishop (1253)
7 Brynach (5th century), Abbot
8 Griffith Jones (1761), Priest and Teacher of the Faith
9 Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of South America
9 Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1945), Pastor, Teacher of the Faith and Martyr
11 George Augustus Selwyn (1878), Bishop and Missionary
15 Padarn (6th century), Bishop
20 Beuno (c 640), Abbot
21 Anselm (1109), Bishop and Doctor
23 George (304?), Martyr, Patron Saint of England
25 Mark , Evangelist
29 Catherine of Siena (1380), Writer
Ember Days : Wednesday, Friday and Saturday following Pentecost
Thursday after Trinity Sunday : Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion
1 Philip and James , Apostles
2 Athanasius (373), Bishop and Doctor
3 Henry Vaughan (1695), Poet
4 Monica (378)
5 Asaph (6th century), Bishop
8 Julian of Norwich (c 1417)
9 Gregory of Nazianzus (390), Bishop
14 Matthias , Apostle
15 Edmund Prys (1624), Priest, Poet and Translator
15 John Davies (1644), Priest and Translator
19 Dunstan (988), Bishop
20 Chad (672), Bishop
24 Charles Wesley (1788) and John Wesley (1791), Priests and Missionaries
25 Julian of Norwich (c 1417)
25 Bede (735), Doctor
26 Augustine of Canterbury (605), Bishop
27 The Venerable Bede , Doctor (735)
28 Melangell (6th century), Abbess
31 The Visit of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth
Ember Days : Wednesday, Friday & Saturday following Pentecost
1 Justin (c 165), Apologist and Martyr
1 Euddogwy , Bishop (6th century)
2 Blandina and her Companions (177), Martyrs
3 James Hannington (1885), Bishop, Missionary and Martyr
3 Martyrs of Uganda (1886)
3 Janani Luwum , (1977), Bishop and Martyr
5 Boniface (754), Bishop, Missionary and Martyr
9 Columba (597), Abbot
10 Ephrem the Syrian (373), Deacon, Hymnwriter, and Teacher of the Faith
11 Barnabas , Apostle
14 Basil the Great (397), Bishop and Doctor
16 Richard (1253), Bishop
20 Alban (250), Martyr
20 Julius and Aaron (304–5), Martyrs
24 The Nativity of John the Baptist
28 Irenaeus (c 200), Bishop and Doctor
29 Peter , Apostle
29 Peter and Paul , Apostles
30 The Martyrdom of Paul, Apostle
1 Euddogwy (6th century), Bishop
2 The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
3 Thomas , Apostle
4 Peblig (4th century), Abbot
6 Thomas More (1535), Martyr
11 Benedict (c 540), Abbot
14 John Keble (1886), Priest and Teacher of the Faith
18 Elizabeth of Russia (1918), Religious and Martyr
19 Gregory of Nyssa (c 394), Bishop, Teachers of the Faith
19 Macrina (c 379), Virgin, Teacher of the Faith
21 Howell Harris (1773), Preacher
22 Mary Magdalene
23 Bridget of Sweden (1373), Abbess
25 James , Apostle
26 Anne, Mother of the Virgin Mary
26 Anne and Joachim Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
27 Martha and Mary of Bethany
27 Martha , Mary and Lazarus of Bethany
28 Samson (5th century), Bishop of Dôl
29 William Wilberforce (1833), Josephine Butler (1906) and all Social Reformers
30 Silas , Missionary
31 Joseph of Arimathea
31 Ignatius of Loyola (1556), founder of the Society of Jesus
3 Germanus of Auxerre (5th century), Bishop
5 Oswald (642), King and Martyr
6 The Transfiguration of our Lord
7 Mary Sumner (1921)
8 Dominic of Toulouse (1221), Abbot and Preacher
9 Augustine Baker (1641), Priest and Religious
9 Mary Sumner (1921), Founder of the Mothers' Union
9 Edith Stein (1942), Teacher of the Faith, Religious and Martyr
10 Lawrence (258), Deacon and Martyr
11 Clare of Assisi (1253), Abbess, Founder of the Minoresses (Poor Clares ) and Mendicant
12 Ann Griffiths (1805), Poet
13 Jeremy Taylor (1667), Bishop
14 Maximilian Kolbe (1941), Priest and Martyr
15 Mary, Mother of our Lord
20 Bernard (1153), Abbot
23 Tydfil (430), Martyr
24 Bartholomew , Apostle
25 Timothy and Titus
27 Monica (378), Mother of Augustine of Hippo
28 Augustine of Hippo (430), Bishop and Doctor
29 The Beheading of John the Baptist
31 Aidan (651), Bishop
2 Lucian Tapiedi (1942), Missionary and Martyr
2 Martyrs of Papua New Guinea (1901 & 1942)
3 Gregory the Great (604), Bishop and Doctor
4 Cuthbert (687), Bishop
8 The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
10 William Salesbury (1584), Translator
10 William Morgan (1604), Bishop and Translator
11 Deiniol (6th century), Bishop
13 Cyprian (258), Bishop, Doctor and Martyr
14 Holy Cross
16 Ninian (c 430), Bishop
20 Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of Australasia & the Pacific
21 Matthew , Apostle and Evangelist
25 Sergei of Radonezh (1392), Abbot
25 Cadoc (6th century), Abbot
26 Lancelot Andrewes (1626), Bishop
27 Vincent de Paul (1660), Priest
29 Michael and All Angels
30 Jerome (420), Doctor
Ember Days : Wednesday, Friday & Saturday following 14 September
4 Francis of Assisi (1226), Friar
6 William Tyndale (1536), Translator and Martyr
9 Cynog (5th century), Abbot
13 Edward the Confessor (1066), King
14 Esther John (1960), Missionary and Martyr
15 Teresa of Avila (1582), Teacher of the Faith
16 Daniel Rowland (1790), Priest and Preacher
17 Ignatius (c 117), Bishop and Martyr
18 Luke , Evangelist
19 Henry Martyn (1812), Pastor, Translator and Missionary
23 James of Jerusalem , Bishop
25 Lewis Bayley (1631), Bishop and Writer
26 Alfred (899), King
28 Simon and Jude , Apostles
30 Richard Hooker (1600), Priest and Teacher of the Faith
31 Vigil of All Saints
31 Catholic and Protestant Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation Era
1 All Saints
2 The Commemoration of All Souls
3 The Martyrs and Confessors of our Time
3 Winifred (7th century), Abbess
4 The Saints and Martyrs of the Anglican Communion
5 Cybi (6th century), Abbot
6 Illtud (5th century), Abbot
7 Richard Davies (1581), Bishop and Translator
8 The Saints of Wales
10 Leo (461), Bishop and Doctor
11 Martin of Tours (c 397), Bishop
12 Tysilio (6th century), Abbot
13 Charles Simeon (1836), Priest and Teacher of the Faith
14 Dyfrig (5th – 6th century), Bishop
15 The Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of North America
16 Margaret of Scotland (c. 1045 – 1093), Queen
17 Hugh (1200), Bishop
18 Hilda (680), Abbess
19 Elizabeth of Hungary (1231), Princess
21 Paulinus (5th century), Abbot
22 Cecilia (230), Martyr
23 Clement (c 100), Bishop
25 John Donne (1631), Priest and Poet
29 Vigil and Day of Intercession for the Mission of the Church[ 7]
30 Andrew , Apostle , Patron Saint of Scotland
1 Nicholas Ferrar (1637), Deacon
2 The Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of Asia
3 Francis Xavier (1552), Missionary
6 Nicholas (c 342), Bishop
7 Ambrose (397), Bishop and Doctor
8 Cynidr (6th century), Bishop
13 Lucy (304), Martyr
14 John of the Cross (1591), Priest, Poet and Teacher of the Faith
17 O Wisdom!
18 O Adonai!
19 O Root of Jesse!
20 O Key of David!
21 O Dayspring!
21 Thomas , Apostle
22 O King of the nations!
23 O Emmanuel!
24 Vigil
25 Nativity of the Lord : Christmas Day
26 Stephen , Deacon and First Martyr
27 John , Apostle and Evangelist
28 The Innocents
29 Thomas of Canterbury (1170), Bishop and Martyr
30 Tathan (6th century), Abbot
31 John Wycliffe (1384), Priest and Translator
Ember Days : Wednesday, Friday & Saturday following 13 December
See also
External links
Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Oriental Orthodox Anglican Protestant