Gregory was the bishop of Nin and as such was under strong protection of King Tomislav. At the Synod in 925, held in Split, Gregory lost to the Archbishop of Split, he was offered the Sisak Bishopric, but he refused. After the conclusions of the first Synod Gregory complained again in 927/8 but was rejected and his Nin Bishopric was abolished, Gregory himself being sent off to the Skradin Bishopric, after which he disappears from the annals of history. [citation needed]
He was one of the more important Catholic bishops of Croatian origin in his time. He was born in Šibenik, and was part of the known Divnić family, which settled in Šibenik in the 14th century from Skradin, and had likely settled there from Bosnia earlier.[8] Bishop Juraj wrote Pope Alexander VI about the catastrophe right after the Battle of Krbava.
Jakob Divnić
Nephew of Juraj Divnić, coadjutor bishop from 1523
On 20 April 1693, he sent a report to the Congregation that there were 5486 Roman Catholics and 7363 Orthodox Serbs in his Bishopric. In the territory of his bishopric there was also a Serbian episcope. The Roman Catholics had 21 priests, while the Orthodox had 15. Bishop Georgius said that he worked to Uniate the Orthodox, preaching for them and teaching them the faith and the true, Catholic teachings. On 1 June 1696, he mentions that thanks to his efforts the population of the village of Poločnik denounced the "Schismatic wrongs" – the Orthodox faith, and accepted the Roman faith. [citation needed]
^Zbornik radova o Šimunu Kožičiću Benji, p. 186, Jedan od značajnih biskupa hrvatskoga roda iz toga doba bio je Juraj Divnić, Šibenčanin, iz poznate obitelji Divnića, koja se doselila u Šibenik u 14. stoljeću iz Skradina, a tamo još ranije, vjerojatno iz Bosne.3