Dr. Vegas
Dr. Vegas is an American drama television series created by John Herzfeld and Jack Orman, starring Rob Lowe and Joe Pantoliano that ran on CBS from September 24, 2004 to October 29, 2004, being cancelled after five of the produced ten episodes aired. The complete series aired in Ireland on TG4, and on Challenge in the UK as part of its "Player" gambling strand. The series co-starred Sarah Lancaster, Amy Adams, and Tom Sizemore. Chazz Palminteri filled in for Tom Sizemore when the actor re-entered rehab in 2004. Cast
ProductionDr. Vegas began a three-week shoot on April 5, 2004, at the Green Valley Ranch hotel and casino in Henderson, Nevada.[1] Other filming locations included a casino penthouse and the Las Vegas Hilton's sign.[2] A second unit film crew shot additional scenes of Las Vegas in August 2004.[3] Episodes
See alsoReferences
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