DraganovetsDraganovets is a village in Northern Bulgaria. The village is located in Targovishte Municipality, Targovishte Province. Аccording to the numbers provided by the 2020 Bulgarian census, Draganovets currently has a population of 501 people with a permanent address registered in the settlement.[1]
GeographyDraganovets village is in Municipality Targovishte, 25 kilometers South away from Targovishte. The continental climate makes the area perfect for the main occupation of the local population which is tobacco harvest and animal husbandry. The elevation of the village ranges between 200 and 299 meters with an average elevation of 219 meters above sea level.[2] HistoryThe remains of a Neolithic village and fortress were found 2 kilometers south from Draganovets. Moreover, in the same area, Thracian remains were archeologically excavated. They date back to the 2nd–4th centuries. In the same area, around the 5th century a Christian temple had been elevated. According to the archeologists and historians who worked on the site, the temple they found is the only five-nave church in Bulgaria.[3] Buildings and infrastructureThe roads leading toward Draganovets village are in poor condition. But there is a functioning school in the village and daily public transport toward Omurtag.[4]
EthnicityAccording to the Bulgarian population census in 2011.[5]