Romanian footballer
Florea Voicilă (born 1 January 1954) is a Romanian former football forward and manager .[ 2] [ 4] [ 5] [ 6] He spent most of his playing career in the Romanian lower leagues, with only two short spells in the first league at Rapid București and Chimia Râmnicu Vâlcea , scoring about 465 goals throughout his career.[ 2] [ 4] [ 7] [ 8] After he retired from playing football, Voicilă worked as a manager in the Romanian lower leagues, president at FCM Alexandria and as a local councilor of Alexandria .[ 2] [ 9] [ 10] [ 11] His sons Dănuț Narcis and Ionuț Florin were also footballers, the first one managed to play in the first league , being also a manager in the Romanian lower leagues and the second one played only in the Romanian lower leagues.[ 12] [ 13] [ 14] [ 15]
International career
Florea Voicilă played two friendly games at international level for Romania , earning his caps while playing in the second division for Automatica Alexandria .[ 2] [ 4] [ 7] [ 16] [ 17] He made his debut under coach Ștefan Kovács when he came as a substitute and replaced Mihai Zamfir in the 83rd minute of a 2–1 loss against Greece .[ 17] [ 18] He also played in a 1–1 against Israel when he came as a substitute and replaced Nicolae Dobrin in the 56th minute.[ 17] [ 19]
Rulmentul Alexandria
^ Florea Voicilă at
^ a b c d e f "Regele Alexandriei! A prins naționala din Divizia B, dar Steaua și Dinamo erau vise interzise pentru el: el e Florea Voicilă" [The King of Alexandria! He caught the national team from Division B, but Steaua and Dinamo were forbidden dreams for him: he is Florea Voicilă] (in Romanian). 26 March 2012. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Florea Voicilă profile" . 11v11. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ a b c "La mulți ani pentru Florea Voicilă care împlinește azi 63 de ani! Vă prezentăm povestea unuia dintre cei mai talentați fotbaliști născuți în Teleorman" [Happy birthday to Florea Voicilă who turns 63 today! We present the story of one of the most talented footballers born in Teleorman] (in Romanian). 1 January 2017. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ " "Bombardierul" regretă fotbalul de altădată" [The "bomber" regrets the old football] (in Romanian). 10 June 2013. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ Florea Voicilă at
^ a b "EXCLUSIV Moș Gerilă Lucescu, ambiția de speriat a lui Voicilă și "lecțiile online" cu Ion Oblemenco. GSP publică 3 interviuri de colecție: cât de mult s-au schimbat atitudinea jucătorilor și presa?" [EXCLUSIVE Santa Gerilă Lucescu, Voicilă's scary ambition and "online lessons" with Ion Oblemenco. GSP publishes 3 collection interviews: how much have the attitude of the players and the press changed?] (in Romanian). 3 May 2020. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Mârzăneşti, comuna care a dat doi internaţionali români!" [Mârzăneşti, the commune that gave two Romanian internationals!] (in Romanian). 15 January 2013. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Florea Voicilă, fotbalistul consilier local" [Florea Voicilă, the footballer - local councilor] (in Romanian). 14 September 2010. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Florea Voicila, antrenor la Unirea Tiganesti" [Florea Voicila, coach at Unirea Tiganesti] (in Romanian). 1 March 2013. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Cine am fost şi ce am ajuns! – Florea Voicilă, iniţiatorul "politicii de stadion" în Alexandria" [Who I was and what I became! - Florea Voicilă, the initiator of the "stadium policy" in Alexandria] (in Romanian). 21 October 2013. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Duel între tată şi fiu. Florea Voicilă vs Dănuţ Voicilă" [Duel in the Voicilă family. Dănuţ confronts his father and brother] (in Romanian). 17 October 2014. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Familia Voicilă s-a reunit la Nanov" [The Voicilă family reunited in Nanov] (in Romanian). 30 August 2017. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Duel între tată şi fiu. Florea Voicilă vs Dănuţ Voicilă" [Duel between father and son. Florea Voicilă vs Dănuţ Voicilă] (in Romanian). 6 March 2013. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Dan Voicilă la 35 de ani – interviu în exclusivitate: "Sunt dezamăgit şi cred că a venit timpul să mă las!" " [Dan Voicilă at 35 - exclusive interview: "I'm disappointed and I think it's time for me to leave!"] (in Romanian). 8 January 2014. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Şase curiozităţi din istoria echipei naţionale a României! Cine este tricolorul care a marcat cinci goluri într-un meci" [Six curiosities in the history of the national team of Romania! Who is the tricolor who scored five goals in a match] (in Romanian). 17 November 2018. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ a b c "Florea Voicilă" . European Football. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Greece - Romania 2:1" . European Football. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .
^ "Israel - Romania 1:1" . European Football. Retrieved 17 November 2020 .