Gangsters of the Frontier
Gangsters of the Frontier (also known as Raiders of the Frontier in the United Kingdom) is a 1944 American Western film written and directed by Elmer Clifton. The film stars Dave O'Brien, Tex Ritter and Guy Wilkerson, with Patti McCarty, Harry Harvey and Betty Miles. The film was released on 22 September 1944, by Producers Releasing Corporation.[1][2][3] The fifteenth of the Texas Rangers film series, the film is regarded as a metaphor for World War II as a fascist-type gang enslaves a town.[4] This film was the first of the "Texas Rangers" series to feature Tex Ritter, who replaced James Newill after 14 movies. In the film, Tex Ritter sings "Please Remember Me" by Ritter and Robert McGimsey, and "He's Gone Up the Trail" and "Ride, Ranger, Ride" by Tim Spencer.[2] Plot
See alsoThe Texas Rangers series:
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