The Grossane is a cultivar of olives grown primarily in the Vallée des Baux and Bouches-du-Rhône regions of southern France. Though it can be used to produce oil, it is primarily used as a black table olive. Vulnerable to certain biological pests, it is highly resistant to cold and drought. ExtentThe Grossane is particularly common in the Vallée des Baux and Bouches-du-Rhône regions of southern France. It can also be found as far away as China.[1] SynonymsThis cultivar is not known under any synonyms, though the spelling differs somewhat locally (Groussan, Grossanne).[1] CharacteristicsIt is a cultivar of middle strength, with a spreading growth form and leaves of lanceolate shape and medium length and width. The olives are of high weight, ovoid shape and slightly asymmetrical. The stone has a rounded apex and a pointed base, with a rough surface and a mucro.[2] The Grossane an intermediate cultivar in terms of flowering and ripening.[3] When fully mature, the colour of the fruit is black.[4] ProcessingThough a dual use cultivar, the Grossane is primarily used as a table olive.[3] The black olives have a sweet taste, and the fruit is freestone—the stone does not cling to the flesh.[3] It can also be used for the extraction of oil, but it gives a poor yield, and the oil has a short shelf-life.[3] The oil is said to have a "delicate flavor with a citrus aroma and slight fruitiness",[5] while others compare it to tomatoes.[6] AgronomyIts productivity is only intermediate, but this can be improved by the use of irrigation and fertilization. The Grossane has poor rooting ability, and is often grafted.[3] It is self-sterile, and needs other pollinators. Cultivars used for pollination are the Boutellian and Aglandau.[3] It has low resistance to certain biological pests, such as the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae and sooty moulds.[7] On the other hand, it has high tolerance to cold and drought.[3] References