José João da Conceição Gonçalves MattosoGOSE (22 January 1933 – 8 July 2023) was a Portuguese medievalist and university professor.
Mattoso was born on 22 January 1933.[1][2] He earned his doctoral degree in medieval history from the Catholic University of Leuven, in Belgium, in 1966 (with a thesis on the abbey of Pendorada - "L'Abbaye de Pendorada : des Origines à 1160"), while he was Benedictinemonk at the Abbey of Singeverga. He returned to secular life in 1970, and taught at the University of Lisbon and at the New University of Lisbon. He was also a director of National Archives / Torre do Tombo.
Mattoso was recognised in Portugal and internationally as one of the most distinguished scholars of the history of medieval Portugal, and much of his scholarly work is largely devoted to that period. His works include, among others, "Ricos homens, Infanções e Cavaleiros" (on the medieval society), "Fragments of a Medieval Composition" (in response to the arguments of Antonio Borges Coelho), and "Identification of A country Essay on the Origins of Portugal (1096–1325)" (Vol. I - 'Opposition' vol. II - 'Composition'), with five editions constantly revised and updated between 1985 and 1995. Mattoso was awarded the Alfredo Pimenta prize of Medieval History, and the non-fiction Prize of Pen club for this work. He was also awarded the Fernando Pessoa Prize in 1987, among other important distinctions.
Mattoso acted as the scientific editor of a History of Portugal (1993–1995) in eight volumes.
José Mattoso died on 8 July 2023, at the age of 90.[3]
Le monarchisme ibérique et Cluny. Les monastères du diocése de Porto de l'an mille à 1200, 1968
As famílias condais portucalenses dos séculos X e XI, 1970
Beneditina Lusitana, 1974
Livro de linhagens do Conde D. Pedro, ed. crítica, 1980
Livros velhos de linhagens, ed. crítica por Joseph Piel e José Mattoso, 1980
A nobreza medieval portuguesa. A família e o poder, 1981 ; 1994
Ricos-Homens, infanções e cavaleiros. A nobreza medieval portuguesa nos sécs. XI e XII, 1982 ; 1998
Religião e cultura na Idade Média portuguesa, 1982 ; 1997
Narrativas dos Livros de Linhagens, selecção, introdução e comentários, 1983
Portugal medieval. Novas interpretações, 1985 ; 1992
O essencial sobre a formação da nacionalidade, 1985 ; 1986
Identificação de um país. Ensaio sobre as origens de Portugal, 1096–1325, 1985 ; 1995
O essencial sobre a cultura medieval portuguesa, 1985 ; 1993
A escrita da história, 1986
Fragmentos de uma composição medieval, 1987 ; 1990
O essencial sobre os provérbios medievais portugueses, 1987
A escrita da História. Teoria e métodos, 1988 ; 1997
O castelo e a feira. A Terra de Santa Maria nos séculos XI a XIII, em colab. com Amélia Andrade, Luís Krus, 1989
Almada no tempo de D. Sancho I (Comunicação), 1991