Karl Sarafidis, is a French philosopher of Greek and Lebanese origin. Doctor in philosophy, holder of the Agrégation, he taught at Paris-East Créteil University, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and at the French University College (Moscow State University-Lomonosov). Specialist in contemporary philosophy, his thesis topic was on the resumption of metaphysics in Heidegger's and Bergson's thought.[1] In 2013, he published Bergson. La création de soi par soi,[2] in which he attempted to pull out from Bergson's work an ethical program[3] based on the creation of self by self.[4] Research Associate of the Husserl Archives in Paris (UMR 8457), his interest focuses on the political background of Western metaphysics considered from its ideological principles and consequences. He is also known for having shared the play in Bruno Dumont's film, Hadewijch[5] and for having subsequently played some roles in French auteur cinema but also in the ethnofictionSamira[6][7] by the ethnographer and filmmaker Nicola Mai.[8] Karl Sarafidis has also contributed to the script for Dumont's film by writing Nassir's lesson on Al-Ghaib.[9][10]
After a childhood spent in Lebanese civil war, Karl Sarafidis left for Athens with his family and then went to Paris, where he studied philosophy with Professor Françoise Dastur.
"Rire, sentir, penser", in Affect et affectivité dans la philosophie contemporaine et la phénoménologie. Affekt und Affektivität in der neuzeitlichen Philosophie und der Phänomenologie, Éliane Escoubas & Laszlo Tengelyi, editors, Paris, L'Harmattan, « Ouverture philosophique », 2008 (ISBN978-2-296-05332-8).[11]
"Les deux sources de l'émotion et du logique", in La logique des émotions, E. Cassan, J.-M. Chevalier & R. Zaborowski, editors, Warsaw, Éditions scientifiques de Pologne, Organon, 36, 2008 (ISSN0078-6500).[12]
"La rêverie de Bergson. Métaphysique et spiritisme", in Sciences et Fictions, Nice, Alliage, 65, 2009 (ISBN978-2913312210).[13]
"Dessine-moi une aire de jeux", Lausanne, Espazium, Tracés, 20, 2011.[14]
"Le monde de la perception", in La perception, entre cognition et esthétique, A. Bruzan, J.-M. Chevalier, R. Mocan, R. Vicovanu, editors, Paris, Garnier, « Classiques », 2016 (ISBN978-2812461149).[16]
"Cosmopolitique de la laideur", Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, Nouvelle Revue d'esthétique, 18, 2016 (ISBN978-2-13-079251-2).[17][18]
"Projeter un futur ordinaire", interview with Konstantin Gudkov, Lausanne, Espazium, Tracés, 3, 2018.[19]
"Bergson et la phrase intérieure", in L'homme intérieur et son discours. Le dialogue de l'âme avec elle-même, J.-J. Alrivie, editor, Paris, Vrin, Le Cercle Herméneutique, 2018 (ASINB07KLTV8ZZ).[20]
"Aidôs", in Presocráticos, A. Ramírez Guijarro, editor, Madrid, Monográfico. Ápeiron. Estudios de filosofía, 2019 (ISBN978-84-17898-57-1).[21]
"Hermès ou Mercure ?", in Des réalités intraduisibles. La traduction au prisme des sciences sociales de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Непереводимая реальность? Перевод сквозь призму общественных наук от Античности до наших дней, P.-L. Six & V. Benet, editors, Moscow, ed. Nouveaux Angles, 2019 (ISBN978-5-6042912-3-8).[22]
"Plurilingualism of the same", in For Beirut. لبيروت, Zürich, Roten Fabrik, Fabrikzeitung, 361, 2020.[23]