La saga de los Rius
La saga de los Rius is a Spanish historical drama television series directed by Pedro Amalio López. It consists of an adaptation of the three first novels of the Ignacio Agustí's pentalogy La ceniza fue árbol. It aired from November 1976 to January 1977 on TVE1. PremiseThe fiction follows the vicissitudes of the Catalan industrial bourgeoisie from 1880 to 1916, conveyed through three generations of the Rius family.[1][2] Cast
ProductionLa saga de los Rius consists of an adaptation of the first three novels of the Ignacio Agustí's pentalogy La ceniza fue árbol: Mariona Rebull (1944), El viudo Rius (1945), and Desiderio (1957).[7][2] The inception of the series predates the death of Francisco Franco.[8] Besides the set filming in the TVE studios in Barcelona,[4] outdoor shooting locations included Barcelona, Seville, Madrid and Granada.[2][4] It aired in prime time on TVE1 from 7 November 1976 to 30 January 1977.[9] It originally consisted of 13 episodes with a running time of about 60 minutes.[4][2] The adapted screenplay was authored by Juan Felipe Vila Sanjuán.[10] The series, directed by Pedro Amalio López, was shot in color and a 35 mm format.[11] Six years later, the series was dubbed into Catalan and adapted to a 10-episode format.[2]