Left Behind (film series)
Left Behind is an American religious thriller series based on the Left Behind book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. The series consists of five films and two spin-offs. The first three films were produced by Cloud Ten Pictures and directed by Vic Sarin (Left Behind: The Movie), Bill Corcoran (Left Behind II: Tribulation Force), and Craig R. Baxley (Left Behind: World at War). Kirk Cameron stars as Buck Williams, along with Brad Johnson, Janaya Stephens, Clarence Gilyard Jr., Gordon Currie, Chelsea Noble, Colin Fox, and Academy Award winner Louis Gossett Jr. The films received mostly negative reviews from critics, all three being criticized for their low production quality. The 2014 film Left Behind starring Nicolas Cage rebooted the series. It was followed by Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist (2023), with an entirely different cast. Separately, Vanished – Left Behind: Next Generation (2016) tells the story of the Rapture from the perspective of a young group of protagonists. The franchise also had a real-time mockumentary film titled The Original Left Behind (1994), directed by Marjonneke Tjerkstra. FilmsOriginal series
Spin-off series