Liberalism in Brazil began around 1831, initially emerging as the opposition to conservatism. However, with the republican revolution of 1889, organized liberalism faded away. Liberal parties were established in the twentieth century and from 1966 onwards, the Democratic Movement became liberalism's primary representative. As multi-partyism was established, more parties began to adopt the label of "liberal", although the term was often used by moderate conservative factions.
Left-wing liberal movements in Brazil include some centrist parties and organizations rooted in socialism in the past, including Cidadania and Livres.
The timeline
Liberal Party (1831)
1831: In resistance to the imperial regime, liberals formed the Liberal Party (Partido Liberal) in 1831, loosely connected to the urban petty bourgeoisie. It became the leading progressive party during the monarchy.
1882: A left wing faction of the Liberal Party formed the Progressive Party (Partido Progressista).
1889: After the fall of the monarchy, the party disappeared.
Republican Party
1870: The Republican Party (Partido Republicano), a party of the urban middle class, was formed.
1889: After the fall of the monarchy, the party disappeared.
Liberal Alliance
1930: The liberal bourgeoisie formed the Liberal Alliance (Aliança Liberal), led by Getúlio Vargas. After he lost the 1930 election, the party came to power in a revolution.
1934: When Vargas established an authoritarian regime in 1934, the party fell apart.
Brazilian Democratic Movement
1966: The military government allowed the formation of a democratic opposition party in a bi-partisan system, the Brazilian Democratic Movement (Movimento Democrático Brasileiro). Liberals were united with social democrats, socialists and right-leaning opponents of the rightist military government. The party was led by Oscar Passos, Pedroso Horta (since 1970) and Ulysses Guimarães.
2007: PFL changed its name to the Democrats (Democratas).
Liberal Party (1985)
1985: The center-right Liberal Party (Partido Liberal) was formed.
2005: The Libertarians (Libertários) party was formed as a libertarian party with some classic liberal members. The Libertarians have no electoral register and cannot participate in elections.