This is a list of FM and OIRT FM Band radio stations based in Belarus. By law, FM radio stations have to rotate music made in Belarus 75% of broadcasting time. Mostly FM stations broadcast in Russian.[1][2]
Radio Racyja - Terrestrial (Białystok 98.1 FM and Biała Podlaska 99.2 FM) and Internet station. Also retranslations on Euroradio (Saturday and Sunday 22:00) and LSM Latvijas Radio 4 (Thursday 20:05)[10][11]
Euroradio - Satellite (Astra 4A and HotBird 13) and Internet station, also retranslation in Radio Racyja, Radio Znad Wilii (Vilnius 103.8 FM) and Perec FM (Dubrovytsya 107.5 FM)[12]
Radio Svaboda - multimedia company. Texts, podcasts and programms for YouTube and media partners.[16]
Polish radio Belarusian service - 1386 AM every morning, satellite (HotBird 13) and Internet, also retranslation in Radio Znad Wilii and Radio Poland DAB+ (DAB+ network in Poland, daily half-hour program at 15:30 in DAB+ schedule)[17]