Love & Money
Love & Money is an American sitcom television series created by Rob Long and Dan Staley, that aired from CBS on October 8, 1999 to July 18, 2000. Aired and unaired episodes later aired on HDNet. PremiseOn the day of her wedding, the eldest daughter of the wealthy Conklin family, Allison, has misgivings about the marriage's success. She locks herself in the bathroom but tells her family that the door is stuck. Her mother, Effie, calls for the building's superintendent, Eamon McBride, to fix the door. After getting into the bathroom, it's revealed that Eamon and Allison are former lovers, which reignites the dwindling flame of their love. Allison's father, Nicholas, doesn't approve of the relationship and even attempts to bribe Eamon into leaving Allison alone. However, Allison decides to follow her heart, regardless of what her family thinks. The show focuses on the development of the relationship and how the wealthy Conklin family get used to Eamon's father, Finn, who works as the building's doorman. The Conklins live in a mansions occupying the top three floors of the building and the McBrides reside in a small basement apartment. Cast
In a podcast interview with Ken Levine, creator Rob Long indicated that Frank Langella was initially cast as Nicholas Conklin, but was fired after the run-through of the pilot episode over creative differences regarding the character's prominence among the ensemble.[1] EpisodesWith the exception of "Pilot", every episode of the series was directed by Michael Lessac. The pilot instead was directed by Pamela Fryman.
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