Love Takes Flight
Love Takes Flight is a 1937 American drama film directed by Conrad Nagel and written by Lionel Houser and Mervin J. Houser. The film stars Bruce Cabot, Beatrice Roberts, John Sheehan, Astrid Allwyn, Elliot Fisher and Wild Bill Elliott. The film was released on November 5, 1937, by Grand National Films Inc.[1][2][3] PlotJoan Lawson is flight hostess in love with the pilot, Neil Bradshaw. Neil some day wants flying solo around the world. On a flight from New York City to Los Angeles movie producer Dave Miller wants Joan to become a movie star but she wants Neil to teach her to be a pilot. The airplane is grounded in L.A due to bad weather but movie star Diane Andre, a passenger on the plane, insists that plane takes off. It does and later the plane is reported lost but it is revealed it was forced down on a mountain by the storm. While stuck on the mountain Diane offers Neil the leading man roll in her new film and he gives up his flying career. Joan decides she will go on with her flying lessons and plans to fly around the world solo. Cast
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