Mandy is a British television comedy series, written by Diane Morgan, who also stars as the title character Mandy Carter. After a pilot in 2019, the first series was broadcast in August 2020. A second series was commissioned by the BBC in 2021 which was released in January 2022.[2] A third series was confirmed in May 2023 and was released in March 2024.[3]
Following a pilot episode that was filmed in February 2019 and released in July 2019, the BBC announced that Mandy had been commissioned for a full series in February 2020.[4]
Filming took place across England with the primary locations being in London and one of the home countiesHertfordshire. Some scenes were filmed in one of the other home counties, Buckinghamshire. Specific locations in London include Brentford, Bethnal Green, Mile End, Leyton and Hackney. In Hertfordshire: Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead, Rickmansworth, Borehamwood and Watford. The pilot episode was filmed in Brentford (191 High Street). In the Broadsword to Donna Ball episode, the pub scene was filmed at The Palm Tree, Mile End and the funeral scene in the same episode was filmed at Heath Lane Cemetery. The funeral scene in the Christmas Special was filmed at St Michael's, Chenies. Chenies Manor doubled as Brampton Hall in the first episode of the second series. Scenes in the SpaceMandy and Fatberg episodes were filmed at the BRE Testing complex in Watford. The library scene in the Fatberg episode was filmed at the Haberdashers' Girls' School, however the leisure centre/pool scenes in the same episode was filmed at the Haberdashers' Boys' School. Scenes in the Get Mandy Carter episode of the third series was filmed at Gadebridge Park. In the Career Ladder episode, the church was St. Paul’s Church in Sarratt. In the Ballad of Mandy Carter episode, Hemel Hempstead Hospital doubled as Crumbs Biscuit Factory. The line dancing competition in the Susan Bloody Blower episode of the first series and the psychic show in the Humandy Statue episode of the third series, were filmed at the Boxmoor Playhouse.
The first series was filmed in February 2020 and aired in mid August 2020. The second series was filmed in June 2021 and aired in early January 2022, with the 2021 Christmas special being released a month earlier in December 2021. The third series was filmed in October 2023 and aired in late March 2024. [5]
Main cast
Diane Morgan as Mandy Carter. She is based on the character of the same name from the Sky One sitcom Rovers.
Mandy's employment adviser finds her a job in a banana processing factory. It seems simple enough, but chaos soon follows.
"Susan Bloody Blower"
Diane Morgan
Diane Morgan
13 August 2020 (2020-08-13)
Mandy is determined to win a line dancing endurance challenge, but unfortunately her former friend turned adversary, Susan Blower, has the same idea. Mandy and Lola turn to voodoo in an attempt to stop her.
When Mandy advertises her spare room on Airbnb, she finds herself playing host to a taciturn Russian man. Romance ensues, but it's not without its problems: he's an assassin being hunted by MI6, and she's still married to Shaun Ryder.
Mandy meets Geoff while posing naked as a sushi platter in a Japanese restaurant. Mandy invites Geoff to Lola's for a fish pedicure, but Geoff's toe is bitten off when Mandy places piranhas in the tub. Later on a date, Mandy is forced to empty a wine bottle into Geoff's aqaurium and urinate in the empty bottle when there is no bathroom available. Geoff kicks Mandy out when he discovers she had killed all his pet fish.
Guest star: Sean Lock (Geoff). This was Lock's last performance before his death in August 2021.
Diane Morgan
Diane Morgan
27 August 2020 (2020-08-27)
Mandy's doctor advises her to eat healthy, quit smoking, and exercise. Mandy makes vegetable smoothies (with meat in it), takes anti-smoking pills (that causes blackouts and violent mood swings), and walks dogs (for exercise). On her first excursion, she faints and the dog runs away. Mandy awakens from her blackout covered in bloody flesh -- not realizing it is from the meat she was carrying for her smoothies -- and tearfully tells the owner she ate his dog.
Unpleasantness comes in many different forms, but the unpleasantness at Brampton Hall, a stately home and Mandy's latest workplace, is like none other.
Mandy's 110-year-old relative buys a baby on the dark web, with life-threatening consequences.
"The Ballad of Mandy Carter"
Diane Morgan
Diane Morgan
10 April 2024 (2024-04-10)
After some near-misses at a biscuit factory and an abattoir, Mandy decides the only way to enhance her career prospects is to improve her social status.