Negative Positive Angler (ネガポジアングラー, Negapoji Angurā) is an original Japanese anime television series produced by NUT. It is directed by Yutaka Uemura, written by Tomohiro Suzuki, and features character designs by Hiromi Taniguchi, and music composed by Tomoki Kikuya.[1] The series aired from October 3 to December 19, 2024, on AT-X and other networks. The opening theme song is "Ito" (イト, Thread), performed by Van de Shop, while the ending theme song is "Shōnin Yokkyū" (承認欲求, Attention-Seeking), performed by 96Neko.[2]Crunchyroll streamed the series.[3]
The series follows Tsunehiro Sasaki, a university student who was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and is given two years to live. After accidentally falling into the sea, he forms a friendship with his rescuer Hana Ayukawa, whom together with her friend Takaaki Tsutsujimori, develops an interest in fishing.