In 1929, a new anthem was introduced that was sung to this popular tune and whose text stemmed from Ottokar Kernstock, who had written it in 1920.[1] The third verse of the poem was, however, excluded from the official status as national anthem. The song remained in use in both the First Republic and the Federal State of Austria but became obsolete in 1938, when Austria joined the German Reich.
It was not the only proposal for a new Austrian national anthem. Anton Wildgans asked Richard Strauss to set one of his poems, "Österreichisches Lied" ('Austrian Song'), to music. Although Strauss did so, the music to the poem[2] did not become popular. Here are excerpts of the poem:
Wo sich der ewige Schnee
Spiegelt im Alpensee,
Sturzbach am Fels zerstäubt, […]
Österreich heißt das Land!
Da er’s mit gnädiger Hand
Schuf, und so reichbegabt,
Gott hat es liebgehabt![3]
Where the eternal snow
Reflects in the alpine lake,
Where the torrent nebulizes at a rock, […]
This land is called Austria!
As He created it with a gracious
Hand, and so gifted,
God dearly loved it!
The introduction of the "Kernstockhymne" actually led to chaos, as everyone sang different lyrics to the same tune, depending on their political standpoints. The school council of Vienna decreed that people should sing the "Deutschlandlied", the Ministry of Education demanded for everyone to sing the "Kernstockhymne". Consequently, people sang the anthem that fitted their personal political views: the former imperial anthem, the "Kernstockhymne", or the "Deutschlandlied", which often led to dissonance when the national anthem was sung publicly.[4]
Since 1936, it had become customary to also sing the "Lied der Jugend" as part of the national anthem, thus honouring the murdered chancellor Engelbert Dollfuß.
As the "Kernstockhymne" had never gained popularity, no attempt was made to reinstate it as the national anthem after World War II.
Sei gesegnet ohne Ende,
Heimaterde wunderhold!
Freundlich schmücken dein Gelände
Tannengrün und Ährengold.
Deutsche Arbeit, ernst und ehrlich,
Deutsche Liebe, zart und weich,
Vaterland, wie bist du herrlich,
Gott mit dir, mein Österreich!
Keine Willkür, keine Knechte,
Off′ne Bahn für jede Kraft!
Gleiche Pflichten, gleiche Rechte,
Frei die Kunst und Wissenschaft!
Starken Mutes, festen Blickes,
Trotzend jedem Schicksalsstreich
Steig empor den Pfad des Glückes,
Gott mit dir, mein Österreich!
Lasst, durch keinen Zwist geschieden,
Uns nach einem Ziele schau'n,
Lasst in Eintracht und in Frieden
Uns am Heil der Zukunft bau'n!
Uns'res Volkes starke Jugend
Werde ihren Ahnen gleich,
Sei gesegnet, Heimaterde,
Gott mit dir, mein Österreich!
Be blessed without end,
Wonderful native land!
Green firs and golden spikes
Friendly adorn thy lands.
German labour, earnest and honest,
German love, tender and soft,
Fatherland, how marvelous thou art,
God with thee, my Austria!
No tyranny, no serfs,
Open way for every force!
Equal duties, equal rights,
Free art and science!
Strong bravery, firm look,
Despite every stroke of fate
Rise along the path of happiness,
God with thee, my Austria!
Let us look at one goal
Through no discord divided.
Let us build on the boon of future
In concord and in peace!
The strong youth of our people
Becometh like its forefathers,
Be thou blessed, native land,
God with thee, my Austria!