Shades of Love (film series)Shades of Love is a collection of romantic and dramatic made-for-television and direct-to-video films. The films paired well-known leading men with lesser known Canadian actresses. Aired in Canada and sold individually on VHS in North America, the Shades of Love film series was geared towards females who bought romance novels. Each title featured a popular love song that appeared as part of the soundtrack. Some of the later titles were paired with older ones and sold as "A Double Feature Romance". It was distributed on home video by Lorimar Home Video (formerly Karl/Lorimar Home Video) in the United States, and aired on television on Astral's First Choice cable channel, and had novelization tie-ins from Cloverdale Press, and had a budget of $1 million per episode from the series.[1] It was produced by L/A House Productions, which paid $400,000 million to make the movies.[2] Titles
SoundtrackA soundtrack released on vinyl and cassette tape featured songs from many of the films in the series. Track Listing:
ReferencesExternal links