Steel (The Twilight Zone)
"Steel" is an episode of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone. Set in the near future, its premise is that human professional boxing has been banned and replaced by android boxing. The story follows a once-famous human boxer who works as a manager for an antiquated android while struggling to come to grips with his career having been taken over by machines. The episode is based on the short story of the same name by Richard Matheson first published in the May 1956 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Opening narration
PlotIn the near-future year of 1974, boxing between human fighters has been abolished and the sport is dominated by fighting robots. Former boxer Timothy "Steel" Kelly manages a robot called "Battling Maxo", an older model that is no longer in demand. Kelly and his partner, Pole, have used the last of their money to get to the fight venue. They are being given this chance because one of the scheduled fighters was damaged in transport. Kelly has to assure fight promoter Nolan and his assistant Maxwell that Maxo will be able to fight. After they leave Nolan's office, Kelly and Pole argue repeatedly over Maxo's fitness. Kelly claims Maxo should be able to go through with the fight despite its age and condition. A spring in Maxo's arm fails when they test it, leaving it unable to fight since the part has been discontinued and they do not have a spare. Kelly decides he will disguise himself as Maxo to collect the money necessary for repairs. Despite a valiant effort, he is unable to damage Maynard Flash, an opponent of a more advanced model than Maxo, even when he lands an unblocked punch directly to the back of its head. He is nearly killed but manages to last the first round. The crowd jeers and boos at "Maxo's" performance. Afterward, the fight promoter pays Kelly only half of the agreed-on $500 fee due to poor performance. Kelly does not protest to prevent recognition. Badly bruised but stubborn as ever, he tells Pole they will use the money to repair Maxo and get him ready to fight again. Closing narration
Production notesThis was the first episode sponsored by Procter & Gamble (alternating sponsorship with American Tobacco), who usually "pitched" Crest toothpaste, Lilt Home Permanent, and Prell shampoo, among their other products. Serling was not required to endorse any of P&G's products at the end of their episodes. Serling, in his narration, had predicted that professional boxing would be outlawed within five years of the episode's airing; at the time, the sport was mired in controversy after Emile Griffith killed his opponent Benny Paret in a nationally televised and particularly brutal 1962 match. With Paret's death at Griffith's hands, as well as the death of Davey Moore from a neck injury sustained in a March 1963 contest,[1] the specter of the sport being outlawed was a realistic possibility at the time "Steel" was broadcast.[2] Serling's prediction did not come to fruition; although boxing declined in popularity in the succeeding years, it has never been outlawed. Each of the five credited cast members appeared in one other episode — Lee Marvin starred in "The Grave" (October 1961), Joe Mantell starred as "Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room" (October 1960), Chuck Hicks had an uncredited bit part as a mover in "Ninety Years Without Slumbering" (December 1963, two months after this episode), Merritt Bohn was billed at the bottom of the cast list in a bit part as a truck driver in Twilight Zone's second episode, "One for the Angels" (October 1959) and Frank London was billed third from the end in a bit part as a driver in ""A Penny for Your Thoughts" (February 1961). See also
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