Telugu Titans is a professional kabaddi team based in Hyderabad, Telangana that plays in the Pro Kabaddi League. Telugu Titans is a franchise of Veera Sports owned by Srinivas Sreeramaneni of Vaya Group, of NED Group and Mahesh Kolli of Greenko Group.[1] The Titans play their home matches at G. M. C. Balayogi SATS Indoor Stadium when in Hyderabad. The Titans reached the playoffs of Season 2 and 4 in PKL.
The teams are divided into two zones with each zone having six teams based on their geographical proximity. Each team will play 15 intra-zonal matches and 7 inter-zonal matches. Zone A
The teams are divided into two zones with each zone having six teams based on their geographical proximity. Each team will play 15 intra-zonal matches and 7 inter-zonal matches. Zone A
Telugu Titans had a poor run this season as they finished eleventh. The team signed Sidharth Desai for ₹1.45 crores. They were led by Iranian defender Abozar Mighani.The team recorded their biggest win of the season against Jaipur Pink Panthers. They defeated them by a margin of 20 points. The top raider of the team was Sidharth who scored 217 points whereas the top defender was Vishal Bhardwaj who scored 62 points. The best all rounder was Farhad Milaghardan with 78 points.
After a disastrous last season where they only won one match out of all possible 22 matches, Telugu Titans decided to only retain Rajnish, Ankit Beniwal and a few other NYP(s) (New Young Player(s)) ahead of the season 9 auction. It was not shocking to any fans because of the last season. Even Rohit Kumar who was the captain last season and their record signing Siddharth Desai are shown the back door. It will be interesting to see how they will use their FBM cards during the auction.