The series centers on Kate Wyler, the new United States ambassador to the United Kingdom, as she helps to defuse an international crisis, forges strategic alliances and adjusts to her new place in the spotlight. She also manages her deteriorating marriage to fellow career diplomat Hal Wyler.
Amid diplomatic tensions between the United States and Iran, a British aircraft carrier is attacked in the Persian Gulf. Forty-one sailors are killed in the attack. Career diplomat Kate Wyler reluctantly accepts reassignment as the US ambassador to the UK on the request of US President William Rayburn and White House Chief of Staff Billie Appiah. Arriving in London with her diplomat husband Hal, she is introduced to deputy chief of mission Stuart Heyford and CIAstation chief Eidra Park. Appiah asks Heyford to groom Wyler as a potential replacement for the US vice president. Wyler meets Foreign Secretary Austin Dennison and Prime Minister Nicol Trowbridge, who is concerned over Rayburn's hostile rhetoric towards Iran. Realizing that Hal arranged the meeting, Kate convinces Secretary of State Miguel Ganon to keep Rayburn from making statements for one day. The US mission discovers that an Iranian military boat was in the carrier's vicinity around the time of the attack. After learning that Ganon is trying to fire her, Wyler agrees to a magazine shoot to boost her profile. Upon discovering that the Wylers are planning to divorce, Heyford discusses Kate's consideration for the vice presidency with Hal. Hal is drugged by unknown assailants and driven away.
Hal regains consciousness from being drugged and takes a phone call from the deputy foreign minister of Iran, Rasoul Shahin, an acquaintance who stresses that Iran is not the perpetrator of the attack. He claims that a planned assassination of a retired US general (in retaliation for the killing of Qasem Soleimani) was called off to prevent a diplomatic escalation. After his release, Hal informs Eidra of the encounter, while Kate attends a memorial for the fallen sailors. At the event, Trowbridge says to a grieving widow that he will "rain hellfire" on Iran should they be found responsible. This statement goes viral, heightening tensions. Following a vehicle-ramming attack targeting a Muslim family, Eidra decides to relay some of Hal's information to the CIA before it can be fully verified, though Kate is unsure. Rayburn announces a surprise visit to London to meet Trowbridge. Kate opposes the trip but fails to convince Ganon and Dennison. She discovers Hal had tipped off Shahin about his presence in London via a mutual contact in Italy. While awaiting Rayburn's arrival, she implores Hal to leave her; he blurts out the potential vice presidency offer, leaving her stunned.
Kate convinces Rayburn that Iran is not behind the attack by revealing Hal as the source. Kate reaches an agreement with Dennison for a lunch between Rayburn and Trowbridge where the president can in turn convince the prime minister. Eidra learns from Kate that Hal had reached Shahin first. Rayburn intends to send a carrier battle group to escort the British carrier to port, but Kate learns from Dennison that Trowbridge lied about the condition of the carrier to get the Americans involved. Kate talks with Appiah about the vice presidency, slowly warming to the idea. However, after learning Hal floated her name to try to keep their marriage, Kate attacks him. Kate convinces Rayburn to hold off the carrier group, but also tries to resign as ambassador and turn down the vice presidency offer. Rayburn rejects her resignation, and Billie pretends to not hear her.
"He Bought a Hat"
Andrew Bernstein
Amanda Johnson-Zetterström
April 20, 2023 (2023-04-20)
Kate, Heyford, and Eidra formulate a plan to send a hidden signal to Iranian intelligence requesting information about the carrier attack. Kate attends a gala where Trowbridge makes a surprise appearance and reveals publicly Rayburn's U-turn, causing a rift in US–UK relations. Iran responds, and Kate has Dennison summon the Iranian ambassador while she secretly makes her way to their meeting. Heyford reveals to Kate that he was a campaign manager alongside Appiah before he grew disillusioned, and subsequently joined the Foreign Service to get out of Washington, D.C. The Iranian ambassador writes down the name Roman Lenkov, head of a Russian mercenary group who appears to have directed and provided funding for the attack, then collapses and later dies. While debriefing later, Dennison accidentally spills a drink on Kate's blouse and begins wiping it off before awkwardly handing over his handkerchief to her. Kate goes home and has sex with Hal.
Teleplay by : Mia Chung and Anna Hagen and Debora Cahn Story by : Mia Chung
April 20, 2023 (2023-04-20)
Kate, Hal, and Heyford attend a meeting at the country house Chevening, hosted by Dennison, to formulate a strategy on Iran and Russia. Trowbridge crashes the meeting and demands a shift to a tough response toward Russia. The group suggests a list of sanctions, but Trowbridge insists on military action. Dennison points out that this might elicit a nuclear response. Hal spends time with Dennison's sister Cecilia, they kiss while skinny dipping in a pond, and Hal confesses the incident to Kate. The Iranian ambassador's death is revealed to be a heart attack, clearing suspicion from Kate and Dennison. Kate shocks the meeting by giving Trowbridge a list of Russian targets.
"Some Lusty Tornado"
Liza Johnson
Anna Hagen
April 20, 2023 (2023-04-20)
Kate's bombshell derails the meeting and causes Dennison to lose trust in her. Hal takes Kate to raid the kitchen, where they find Trowbridge and share a supper. Kate convinces him to give her a chance to come up with diplomatic responses. Kate, Dennison, and their teams spend the night crafting a package of sanctions on Russian oligarchs, but Trowbridge wants to bomb Russian forces in Syria. Kate and Dennison admit they have feelings for each other. Kate realizes Trowbridge is in contact with Roylin, who engineered Trowbridge's selection as party leader at the expense of Dennison. Eidra is unable to find the person in the Russian government who gave the order for the attack. With Cecilia's help, Kate talks to Roylin, who suggests bombing Lenkov fighters in Libya. Trowbridge agrees, but Ganon does not. Hal realizes that Ganon wants to be president and is trying to make Rayburn look bad, and urges Kate to take the plan directly to Rayburn. Heyford and Eidra agree to go public with their relationship. Rayburn overrules Ganon's objection to the plan for military action against Lenkov in Libya.
Kate meets with the Russian ambassador, who gives her information that Lenkov will be visiting a villa in southern France. After meeting Appiah, Hal tells Kate that Rayburn intends to fire Ganon. Kate flies back to Washington, D.C. to deliver the information to Rayburn personally, but her attempts to speak are all interrupted in a short, crowded meeting. Rayburn authorizes an operation with the British to arrest Lenkov. Kate meets with a colleague, who tells her that the diplomatic situation in Kabul, Afghanistan, where she was previously assigned, has deteriorated badly. Back in London, Trowbridge expresses his frustration to Kate about the aborted Libya plan.
"The James Bond Clause"
Alex Graves
Debora Cahn
April 20, 2023 (2023-04-20)
The morning after Trowbridge vehemently rejects the plan to arrest Lenkov, Dennison informs Kate that Trowbridge now supports it. They plan to go to Paris to convince the French to support a British special operation. Appiah asks Heyford to tell Eidra that Kate is being considered to replace the vice president. Heyford says that he will go to Washington with Kate if she accepts the post. Eidra feels betrayed by this, recalling Heyford had previously persuaded her to refuse a posting in Cairo, and ends their relationship. Kate persuades Hal to deliver a speech at Chatham House in her stead while she is in Paris; he requests that a draft of the speech be sent to Appiah. His speech attracts the attention of Merritt Grove, a Tory MP. Kate learns that Hal attempted to put Grove in contact with Appiah, and believes he is maneuvering to become secretary of state. She forbids him from contacting Grove and instructs Heyford to stop him. In Paris, Kate receives approval from the French government for the arrest of Lenkov but learns that the operation will actually be a British-led assassination. Kate relays this information to Dennison, who still believed the operation was to be an arrest. She tells Dennison that the only person to benefit from Lenkov's death would be the person who hired him, implying that he was hired by Trowbridge. On a walk after lunch, a distraught Kate tells Dennison that her marriage to Hal is on the rocks. Later, at a gala event in Paris, they briefly hold hands. In London, Heyford, Ronnie, and Hal reach Grove, but are caught in a car-bomb explosion; Kate is informed of the explosion, leaving her devastated.
During the credits a British voice identifying as Dolphin 3–6 is heard trying to make radio contact, but receives no response.
Teleplay by : Anna Hagen & Debora Cahn Story by : Debora Cahn
October 31, 2024 (2024-10-31)
Grove is dead, while Hal, Heyford and Ronnie are seriously injured and hospitalized. Kate and Dennison return to London; Dennison tells Kate that Grove has organized donations to the Conservative Party from Russian sources like Lenkov. Kate shares her theory to Eidra that Trowbridge or a high-ranking member of the British government is involved in the bombing and the attack on the carrier. Dennison tries to get MI6 to confirm the kill order for Lenkov, and learns that Roylin is missing, despite Trowbridge's efforts to find her. Hal wakes up. Trowbridge's wife, Lydia, who Trowbridge relies on for advice, warns Dennison to not interfere in Trowbridge's relationship with Roylin. At a COBR meeting, MI5 reveals the bomb was British. Eidra tells Kate she will investigate Trowbridge secretly to shield her from potential blowback. Ronnie dies, while Heyford is conscious but has amnesia of the events before the bombing. Roylin calls Kate.
Kate, Hal, Dennison and Trowbridge attend Grove's funeral at St Paul's Cathedral. Eidra smuggles Roylin into the service, allowing her to be spotted by Dennison and Trowbridge, then smuggles her out before Trowbridge can confront her. Hal asks Kate if she slept with Dennison. Kate replied she did not, but had planned to in Paris. Dennison tells Kate he is trying to rescind the kill order. Heyford returns to work. Kate arranges a meeting between Dennison and Roylin at the embassy. Roylin says that Lenkov was hired by British extremists opposed to Scottish independence, one of whom was Grove, implies that Grove was killed because of Kate's call to her asking about Grove, and that Dennison is rattling the extremists by investigating the kill order. Kate persuades Dennison to hold off for one day. Eidra keeps Roylin under CIA protection with the aim of extracting more information. Trowbridge unexpectedly arrives at the embassy, and demands from Kate the reason she called Roylin. Kate lies and does not mention Grove. Heyford accuses Kate of causing Ronnie's death through her association with Roylin. Kate and Hal have a fight about the extent of her responsibility in Ronnie's death.
Lenkov is killed by British special forces. Kate and Eidra suspect that Roylin used them to delay Dennison. Heyford favors handing Roylin over to British police. Roylin denies having a role in Lenkov's death. Dennison tells Kate that he has enough votes to pass a motion of no confidence that will force Trowbridge to resign. He asks Kate for permission to deliver the news to Trowbridge at an Independence Day party at Winfield House, which she grants. Eidra tells Kate that while many members of parliament are angry with Trowbridge, the public think he is a hero. Heyford tells Billie that Kate is not an ideal candidate for vice president. Trowbridge tells Kate that he has been invited to visit Scotland by the First Minister, and he invites Kate and Hal. With Dennison's motion losing support, he tells Kate he intends to resign and expose Trowbridge alone. While trying to leave the party before the fireworks, Heyford is delayed by a woman who has trouble getting her car. Heyford struggles with the explosions of the fireworks, and he invites the woman into his car. Hal also has a similar reaction, and Kate comforts him.
"The Other Army"
Tucker Gates
Teleplay by : Debora Cahn Story by : Julianna Dudley Meagher
October 31, 2024 (2024-10-31)
Heyford learns that the woman from the party was a CIA officer sent to test him, as Billie is concerned about his mental state. Heyford admits to Kate that his resentment toward her is affecting his work; she tells him he needs to decide if he will work with her or leave. With Roylin refusing to talk, Kate persuades Eidra to let Hal talk to Roylin first and screen for relevant information. Hal relays to Kate and Eidra that Trowbridge is not involved in the attack. Roylin names herself as the one who hired Lenkov, and that the staged false flag attack was supposed to cause little damage. Roylin asked another conspirator called Stendig to talk to a panicking Grove, but Stendig planted the bomb. Kate and Eidra create a plan for Roylin to confess to Trowbridge, then gauge his reaction to judge his innocence. Hal convinces Dennison to not resign and come to Scotland. Heyford retracts his assessment of Kate to Billie. Hal does some investigating of his own. Roylin confesses to Trowbridge as Kate, Eidra and Dennison observe covertly. Trowbridge attacks Roylin, and ends up slamming her head to the ground as the observers rush in to intervene.
"Our Lady of Immaculate Deception"
Alex Graves
Anna Hagen
October 31, 2024 (2024-10-31)
Trowbridge refuses to take Roylin into custody, leaving Eidra no choice but to keep her under CIA protection over Kate's objection. When Trowbridge questions Kate about the chain of events, he realizes she suspected him of being involved. Kate loses the trust of both Trowbridge and Dennison, while the two men mend their relationship. Eidra's report alarms the CIA director, who wants Roylin out of CIA protection, as well as the White House, which dispatches vice president Grace Penn to London. Kate and Hal travel back to London to join Penn for a meeting with Trowbridge and Dennison to work out a solution. Trowbridge favors burying the story, and Dennison suggests that Eidra send Roylin home. Penn gives Kate a sobering reality check about the vice presidency, causing her to have second thoughts, but Hal dismisses Penn's election chances. Kate nevertheless persuades Penn to consider fighting to stay. Kate wants to call Billie to support Penn, but Hal prevents it, telling Kate that Penn gave the idea to Roylin.
Alex Graves
Debora Cahn
October 31, 2024 (2024-10-31)
Hal tells Kate that Rayburn is unaware of Penn's involvement. Kate tells Heyford she intends to become vice president. Trowbridge agrees to have MI6 launch a secret investigation into the conspiracy but ultimately postpones it. Penn tells Kate that Trowbridge called Rayburn to support Penn taking a portfolio overseeing nuclear power, which means Penn will stay as vice president, and she intends to take it. At a dinner where it was to be announced, Heyford manages to get Trowbridge to not mention the portfolio, at Billie's request. Penn demands an explanation, and Hal reveals they know she gave Roylin the idea. Penn takes Kate aside for a lecture on the importance of a naval base in Scotland which houses the UK's nuclear arsenal and is also the only base in Europe where US nuclear submarines can dock. If Scotland had gone independent, the US would have lost a vital tool for detecting Russian naval activity. Hal suggests Kate inform Ganon of Penn's involvement, which she eventually agrees with. However, instead of calling Ganon, Hal goes directly to Rayburn via video conference and reveals Penn's role in the affair. Soon afterward, Hal frantically calls Kate, still meeting with Penn, telling her that the shock caused Rayburn's death and that Penn is now President of the United States. Kate watches in horror as Secret Service members rush outside to secure the new president.
The choice of title reportedly caused frustration among the British producers of a Barcelona-set series also titled The Diplomat, which was announced in early 2020 and began airing in the UK two months before the Netflix series. Neither party has indicated a willingness to change the title to avoid confusion.[18]
Rotten Tomatoes reported an 84% approval rating with an average rating of 7.7/10 based on 56 critic reviews. The website's critics consensus reads, "Keri Russell's scrappy performance negotiates the best possible terms for The Diplomat, a soapy take on statecraft that manages to make geopolitical crises highly bingeable entertainment."[23]Metacritic assigned a score of 74 out of 100 based on 23 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews".[24]
Julian Borger wrote in The Guardian that there "is a fair amount to be incredulous about", with Netflix having "taken a lot of liberties to keep The Diplomat racing along like a thriller." However, "for all the dramatic licence taken with the plot and characters", the producers "made sure they got at least some of the details absolutely right." He argued that "most current and former diplomats were ready to overlook the impurities" and were appreciative that diplomacy was being "given its moment under the bright lights." Nevertheless, Borger noted that some felt that the series was a "missed opportunity" that "carries on a long tradition of shows that put a foreign policy focus in the title, and then veer completely off into something that has nothing or little to do with actual diplomacy."[10]
The Evening Standard described the first series as "an interesting take on the time-honoured political drama" that "doesn't reach the lofty heights of The West Wing" but "does have a refreshing lack of the moral high ground."[25] The Radio Times was more critical, calling it a "simplistic, bland, and easily digestible political drama" that "isn't particularly thrilling or complex" and "never feels particularly high stakes."[26]
Meanwhile, the Financial Times lamented that the series "spurns the opportunity to provide a considered look at international relations in favour of a generic and improbably-plotted yarn" and "lacks delicacy and nuance." The paper described it as "so exaggerated that it has little to say about actual statecraft and so dry and insistently talky that it struggles to entertain."[27]
Season 2
Rotten Tomatoes reported a 95% approval rating with an average rating of 8.0/10 based on 44 critic reviews. The website's critics consensus reads, "Maintaining explosive momentum with Keri Russell as the arresting eye of the storm, The Diplomat's sophomore season solidifies it as among television's most entertaining dramas."[28] Metacritic assigned a score of 76 out of 100 based on 23 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews".[29]
The Guardian was enthusiastic about the second season, calling it "several great shows all at once" and concluding that "The Diplomat should slot effortlessly into any list of the best dramas of the year."[30]
Season 1 featured in the global Netflix top 10s for four weeks, picking up 173.46 million hours watched. The season featured in the Nielsen top 10 charts for two weeks in the US picking up 44.90 million hours watched.[14]