The Hunger (TV series)
The Hunger is a British/Canadian television horror anthology series, co-produced by Scott Free Productions, Telescene Film Group Productions and the Canadian premium television channel The Movie Network. It was created by Jeff Fazio. Originally shown on the Sci Fi Channel in the UK, The Movie Network in Canada and Showtime in the United States, the series was broadcast from 1997 to 2000, and is internally organized into two seasons. Each episode was based around an independent story introduced by the host; Terence Stamp hosted each episode for the first season, and was replaced in the second season by David Bowie. Stories tended to focus on themes of self-destructive desire and obsession, with a strong component of soft-core erotica; popular tropes for the stories included cannibalism, vampires, sex, and poison. EpisodesSeason 1 (1997–1998)
Season 2 (1999–2000)
ProductionInitially like the movie from which it takes its name, the series was going to focus exclusively on vampires but producers opted to expand the scope of what Hunger entailed to allow for more storytelling options.[2] Home video releasesRegion 1 Entertainment One released both seasons on DVD in the US in 2009. Season 1 was released on June 2, 2009, and Season 2 on October 13, 2009. Alliance Home Entertainment has released the entire series on DVD in Canada for the very first time. Region 2 Infinity Video released both seasons on DVD in the UK for the very first time on October 31, 2005, as Amazon exclusives.[3][4] Season 1 and 2 were re-released as full retail releases in 2007.
See also
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