The King of Kings (2025 film)
The King of Kings is an upcoming American animated Christian film written and directed by Seong-ho Jang, loosely inspired by the short story The Life of Our Lord. It features the voices of Kenneth Branagh, Uma Thurman, Mark Hamill, Pierce Brosnan, Roman Griffin Davis, Forest Whitaker, Ben Kingsley and Oscar Isaac. The film is scheduled to be released in the United States on April 11, 2025, by Angel Studios. PremiseThe film follows Charles Dickens, a young author that tells about the Lord Jesus Christ. Together, he and Walter Dickens embark on an adventure as the master storyteller engages his youngest son's vivid imagination. Voice cast
ProductionIn September 2024, it was announced that an animated adaptation loosely based on The Life of Our Lord by Charles Dickens was in development, with Kenneth Branagh, Uma Thurman, Roman Griffin Davis, Oscar Isaac, Forest Whitaker, Pierce Brosnan, Mark Hamill, and Ben Kingsley joining the cast.[1] ReleaseIn November 2024, Angel Studios acquired the rights to the film. It is currently scheduled to be released on April 11, 2025.[2] MarketingThe official teaser for the film was released in November 2024.[2] References
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