The Mallorca Files
The Mallorca Files is a British police procedural television drama series set on the Spanish island of Mallorca, starring Elen Rhys and Julian Looman. The series, originally broadcast on BBC One, was created by Dan Sefton. It focuses on a Welsh detective, Miranda Blake (Rhys), and a German detective, Max Winter (Looman), as they solve crimes on the Spanish island of Mallorca. The first two series were broadcast on BBC One, with series three moving to Amazon Prime Video. Series 1 was broadcast in France on the France 2 channel in June 2020.[1] A second series was confirmed on 11 November 2019, before the first episode was broadcast. Series 2 aired on BBC One from 1 February 2021 and all episodes were available on BBC iPlayer from that date.[2] It was later recommissioned for a third series, which was filmed in Mallorca between March and July 2023.[3][4] The third series began airing on 8 August 2024 on Prime.[5] SynopsisTotal opposites Miranda Blake from Wales, a Detective Constable with London's Metropolitan Police, and Max Winter, a German detective, are forced to team up to solve crimes by Inés Villegas, the Chief of Palma Police. They are generally ones committed against the international community on the island of Mallorca, Villegas usually giving them cases with less importance because they are not Spanish detectives.[6] CastMain cast
Recurring cast
ProductionSeries 1 and 2 were a co-production between Cosmopolitan Pictures, Clerkenwell Films, BritBox US and Canada, ZDFneo and France 2.[7] Series 3 is a co-production between Cosmopolitan Pictures, Clerkenwell Films, BBC Studios, and Amazon MGM Studios.[5] Cosmopolitan Pictures founder Ben Donald said the series came from "[a] desire to create a feel-good action-driven cop show like the ones I grew up with and, secondly, a desire to rebrand and refresh the Anglo-German relationship on television."[8] Filming for the first series started in November 2018.[9] Filming on the second series was interrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[10][11] Only six of the planned ten episodes were produced. Despite announcements prior to the series premiere, Nacho Aldeguer and Tanya Moodie did not return to the series, even though Moodie had become a regular cast member. Episodes penned by Rachael New, Alex McBride, Jackie Okwera and Emily Fairweather were written for the series, with Rob Evans signed on to direct.[12] The unfilmed episodes are expected to be carried over into the third series.[13] Producer Ben Donald stated that post-production on the six finished episodes was completed in August 2020.[14] Phil Daniels and Josette Simon were later confirmed amongst the guest actors cast.[10] Filming on the third series took place on location in Mallorca in March to July 2023.[3][4] Episodes
Series 1 (2019)
Series 2 (2021)
Series 3 (2024)
A soundtrack consisting of music from series one of The Mallorca Files was digitally released in February 2020. Music on the album was composed by Charlie Mole, and included guest vocals from Anna Ross who performs on the show's title and closing tracks.
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