Trapped (2001 film)
Trapped is a 2001 American action drama television film directed by Deran Sarafian, written by Michael Vickerman, and starring William McNamara, Parker Stevenson, Callum Keith Rennie, and Meat Loaf. It premiered on the USA Network on July 24, 2001. PlotA group of guests must escape a Las Vegas hotel that is on fire. Cast
ReceptionDavid Nusair from Reel Film Reviews gave Trapped only one star out of five, he stated: "Trapped doesn't really work, especially since we know exactly how these folks are going to get out of the burning building (c'mon, would it even be possible not to realize that Meat Loaf's ride is going to work its way back into the plot?) and the characters are straight out of a how-to-create-a-disaster-movie handbook. And for a flick with this many characters, remarkably few of them wind up charred corpses."[1] Jules Faber from gave the film 7 out of 10 stars, concluding: "Trapped is perhaps one of this new breed of film with some decent performances and clever, well-executed special effects. While a far cry from Oscar-winning portrayals, this is nonetheless a surprisingly good production, regardless of the rather tacked on ‘arsonist’ subplot."[2] References
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