Under the Moon of Love
"Under the Moon of Love" is a song written by Tommy Boyce and Curtis Lee, and first recorded in 1961 by Curtis Lee. Produced by Phil Spector, Lee's recording was released on Dunes Records #45-2008, with the "B" side "Beverly Jean". It peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 at No. 46 on November 27, 1961.[2] Showaddywaddy versionIn 1976 the song was revived by rock and roll revival act Showaddywaddy and became a major hit in the UK. The Mike Hurst-produced version went on to spend three weeks at the top of the UK Singles Chart in December that year,[3] and has since sold over a million copies in the UK.[4] It was the band's last song to be released on Bell Records.[5] Showaddywaddy personnel[5]
Chart performanceCurtis Lee
Other versionIn 1975, Mud covered the song for their album Use Your Imagination which reached No. 33 in the UK Albums Chart. It was also the B-side of their 1977 single, "Beating Around The Bush", which failed to chart. References