Unity is a 2015 American documentary film written, directed and produced by Shaun Monson, and the sequel to the 2005 film Earthlings. The film is narrated by one hundred actors, artists, athletes, authors, businessmen, entertainers, filmmakers, military personnel and musicians.[1] The film was released worldwide on August 12, 2015.[1][6] This is Ryan O'Neal's final film role before his retirement from acting in 2017 and his subsequent death in 2023.[7]
The title "Unity" signifies the intention of the content. It's not so much to entertain, like a pastime, but rather turn something "on" inside you that has been suppressed or forgotten by the mask that society or tradition puts upon us. But more than that the film also helps relate us to the mystery of existence, to all of existence, of which we are merely a part.
On June 26, 2013, Shaun Monson started a Kickstarter campaign to complete and market the film, with the goal of reaching "a minimum of $800,000 to complete post-production and release the film within a year", but the fundraising was unsuccessful.[9] Funding was instead secured with the help the film's Executive Producers: Dieter Paulmann, Alec Pedersen, and Babak Cyrus Razi.[10] After Monson's first installment, Earthlings (2005), he spent roughly seven years developing, writing and producing Unity.[4][6]
The film is produced by Monson and Melissa Danis with Nation Earth and was distributed by SpectiCast and Fathom Events.[1][3][4]
The film was also recorded as an audiobook read by Monson. The audiobook is an unabridged version of the Unity script and is about five hours long.[11]