We the People is a 2021 American animated educational limited television series aiming to teach kids about civics. Each episode is a 4-5 minute animated music video by a popular performer. Created by Chris Nee, who executive produced it with Kenya Barris and Barack & Michelle Obama, the series premiered on July 4, 2021 on Netflix.
We the People was conceived by Chris Nee at a dinner party in Los Angeles, California in November 2018.[1] Nee cites Schoolhouse Rock! as one of the most significant inspirations for the series.[2]H.E.R. described working alongside the Obamas on the series as a "life-changing" experience.[3]
We the People was released on Netflix on July 4, 2021.[2]
The series received a mixed reception. Caroline Framke of Variety described the series as "well-meaning", but "not especially illuminating in the way it would like to be".[4] Ashley Moulton of Common Sense Media called the series "Modern Schoolhouse Rock" and argued it "makes great bops from U.S. civics." She also said that the videos are "generally non-partisan, but [that] some of the content leans slightly left" and called it a "superlative effort from a diverse group of talented creators."[5]
The series was nominated for a GLAAD Award in Outstanding Children's Programming.[6]