Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals
Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals is the anime adaptation of the Naruto spin-off manga created by Kenji Taira, Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden. It was announced in February 2012 by Shueisha.[1] Produced by Studio Pierrot and directed by Masahiko Murata, the series premiered on TV Tokyo on April 3, 2012.[2] Crunchyroll simulcasted the series premiere online and has each episode available for streaming.[3] The series chronicles the daily life and training of Konohagakure ninja Rock Lee, who can utilize taijutsu, but has no skill in ninjutsu, kenjutsu or genjutsu. Episodes feature comical scenes and mini-skits to emphasize the characters' goals and thought processes. Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals is the first spin-off anime series that does not follow the main plot of the Naruto Shippuden series, although it retains the original voice actors. The show ran for one season from 2012 to 2013, spanning 47 episodes. The series was broadcast in Southeast Asia on Disney XD.[citation needed] The series was also broadcast in the Indian subcontinent on Sonic Nickelodeon in 2014, under the title Naruto Rock Lee.[4] An English dub was added to the Neon Alley service in Fall 2014. As of March 2015, all 51 episodes are available for online streaming in the US through Hulu[5] and Crunchyroll in English dubbed and subtitled formats. The series was released on Region 2 DVD in Japan with three episodes per disc. The first DVD was released on July 18, 2012.[6] Episode list
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