Short title
Extent of repeal
3 Edw. 1 (Stat. Westm. prim.) c. 9
Pursuit of felons
Pursuit of felons. Punishment for neglect or corruption in officers.
The whole chapter, except so far as the sheriff, "sous sheriffs," the chapter, so far as it concerns bailiffs of sheriffs, and the whole chapter so far as is it not already repealed.
3 Edw. 1. (Stat. Westm. prim.) c. 15
Prisoners and Bail Act 1275
Prisoners and bail. Offenders bailable and not bailable. Penalty for unlawful mainprize. Penalty for unjust detention of prisoners.
The whole chapter so far as it relates to a sheriff or any officer of a sheriff.
3 Edw. 1.(Stat. Westm. prim.) c. 26
Extortion by officers of the Crown
Extortion by the King's officers.
The whole chapter so far as relates to sheriffs and bailiffs of counties.
12 Edw. 1. (Statuta Wallie) c. 2
Statuta Wallie
Regulation of the jurisdiction and its division into counties. The sheriffs and other officers appointed.
The whole chapter.[d]
12 Edw. 1. (Statuta Wallie) c. 3
Statuta Wallie
Of the office of sheriff in Wales, and the manner of holding courts.
The whole chapter.[e]
12 Edw. 1. (Statuta Wallie) c. 4
Statuta Wallie
The tourn. Articles to be inquired of. Franchises, &c. usurped. Presentments of the jury. For capital offences. For smaller offences. How the sheriff shall proceed on presentments.
The whole chapter.[f]
12 Edw. 1. (Stat. Roth.)
Provisiones facete in Scaccario
Provisions made in the Exchequer.
The whole statute.
13 Edw. 1. (Stat. Westm. Sec.) c. 13
Sheriff's tourn, etc.
Sheriff's imprisoning others for felony, &c. without an inquest made shall be liable to action for false imprisonment.
The whole chapter.
13 Edw. 1. (Stat. Westm. Sec.) c. 13
Execution of Process Act 1285
How writs shall be delivered to the sheriffs to be executed. Issue for false return of writs. The like for false returns. The like where a liberty is returned. The like for sheriff's false return or denial shall be accounted issues. Resistance of process. Punishment thereof.
The whole chapter.
25 Edw. 1. (Magna Carta) c. 17
Pleas of the Crown
Pleas of the Crown.
So far as it relates to any sheriff or officer or his bailiff.
25 Edw. 1. (Magna Carta) c. 35
Frankpledge: sheriff's tourn
County court. Sheriff's tourn. View of Frankpledge.
The whole chapter.
28 Edw. 1. (Artic. Sup. Cart.) c. 13
Election of sheriffs
Of the persons to be chosen coroners.
The whole chapter.
9 Edw. 2. st. 2 (Stat. Lincoln)
Statutum Lincoln' de Vicecomitibȝ
The statute of sheriffs.
The whole statute.
Stat. Temp. Incert. (Visus Franciplegii)
Visus Franciplegii
The view of Frankpledge.
The whole statute.
1 Edw. 3. st. 2. c. 17
Indictment shall be taken by indenture.
The whole chapter.
2 Edw. 3. c. 4
The statute of Lincoln, 9 Edw. 2. concerning sheriffs.
The whole chapter.
2 Edw. 3. c. 5
The statute of Westminster, the second, 13 Edw. 1. c. 39. concerning the delivery of writs to the sheriff armed.
The whole chapter.
2 Edw. 3. c. 12
Annexing Hundreds to Counties
Hundreds and wapentakes shall be annexed to counties and not let to ferm.
The whole chapter.
5 Edw. 3. c. 4
Qualification of sheriffs
Sheriffs, &c. shall have sufficient in the county.
The whole chapter.
14 Edw. 3. st. 1. c. 7
Appointment of sheriffs
Sheriffs shall be appointed annually by the Exchequer.
The whole chapter.
14 Edw. 3. c. 9
Annexing hundreds to counties
Hundreds and wapentakes to be rejoined to the respective counties; and the ferm at the ancient rent limited. Only one bailiff errant in one county. Bailiwicks in fee. Who shall punish offenders. Punishment of lords of hundreds offending.
The whole chapter.
28 Edw. 3. c. 7
Sheriffs shall be removed from office yearly.
The whole chapter.
28 Edw. 3. c. 9
Commission to sheriffs for taking inquests to indict people repealed. Process inhibited.
The whole chapter.
31 Edw. 3. c. 15
Sheriff's tourn
The sheriff's tourn shall be held within the month after Easter and Michaelmas.
The whole chapter.
1 Ric. 2. c. 11
Sheriffs (re-appointment)
No sheriff shall be re-elected within three years.
The whole chapter.
23 Hen. 6. c. 7
Sheriffs (Tenure of Office)
Recital of the statutes against the continuance of sheriffs in their office, viz., 14 Edw. 3. st. 1. c. 7; 42 Edw. 3. c. 9; 1 Ric. 2. c. 11. The said statutes confirmed: Exceptions. London, &c. Penalty for occupying the office of sheriff above one year 200l. per annum. All pardons and patents made to the contrary void. Action for the penalty.
The whole chapter.
23 Hen. 6. c. 9
Sheriffs and Bailiffs, Fees, etc. Act 1444
No sheriff shall let his county, &c. to ferm. No sheriffs' officers shall be attorneys. Surety to be returned upon inquests. Such officers shall not take anything of persons arrested for ease and favour, &c. Fees to persons arrested shall be paid by those who caused them to be arrested. No fee for returns or panels. Fee for a copy of a panel. Sheriffs, &c. shall let to bail persons arrested. On certain execution. How the bond shall be taken on such bailing. The conditions thereof. Bonds in other form void. Sheriff's officers shall make deputation in the King's court. Penalty on offending against this Act. Justices of assize, &c. may inquire of offenders. Sheriff's returning copias dedimus se shall be chargeable with the bodies. Exception for the warden of the fleet.
The whole chapter.[g]
1 Edw. 4. c. 2
Sheriff's Tourn Act 1461
Justices of peace in sessions shall try and determine indictments taken in sheriff's tourns.
The whole Act.
12 Edw. 4. c. 1
Sheriff (Execution of Writs, etc.) Act 1472
Recital of the statute 23 H. 6. c. 7. Sheriffs before having their writ of discharge may return writs during Michaelmas term.
The whole statute.
17 Edw. 4. c. 7 |
Sheriffs (Execution of Writs, etc.) Act 1477 |
Recital of st. 12 Edw. 4. c. 1. as to returns of writs by sheriffs. Act that the then sheriff may return writs and otherwise execute his office during Michaelmas and Hilary term if not discharged. |
The whole chapter.
11 Hen. 7. c. 15 |
Sheriff's County Court Act 1495 |
An Act against sheriffs and under-sheriffs. |
The whole Act.
19 Hen. 7. c. 24 |
Sussex Sheriff's County Court Act 1503 |
The shire court for Sussex shall be holden at Chichester and Lewes, alternately. |
The whole Act.
21 Hen. 8. c. 20 |
President of the Council Act 1529 |
An Act that the Judges of the Kynges Counsaile shal associate with the Chauncellor and Treasurer of England and the Keper of the Kinges Privie Seale. |
Section two so far as relates to the naming of sheriffs.
27 Hen. 8. c. 5 |
Justice of the Peace (Chester and Wales) Act 1535 |
An Acte for makynge of justices of peace in Wales. |
Section two, from "of Chester and Flint" down to "county of Glamorgan," the words "at and from "and that every sheriff of every of the said shires," to the end of the section, and so much of section four as relates to a sheriff, his deputy or ministers.
27 Hen. 8. c. 24 |
Jurisdiction in Liberties Act 1535 |
An Acte for re-contynuyng of certayne liberties and franchises heretofore taken from the Crowne. |
Section six, section seven, section eight, section twelve, and section thirteen.
27 Hen. 8. c. 26 |
Laws in Wales Act 1535 |
An Acte for Lawes and Justice to be ministred in Wales in like fourme as it is in this Realme. |
Section two, from "attachments" to the end of the section. Section three, from "and cause" to the end of the section, except so far as relates to escheatours and coroners. Section four, from "and that the shire courts" to the end of the section. Section five, from "and that the shire courts" to the end of the section. Section six, from "and that sessions" to the end of the section. Section seven, from "and that the counties or shire courts" to the end of the section. Section eight, from "and that justice shall be ministered, used, exercised" to the end of the section. Section seventeen, so far as it relates to sheriffs or their deputies in the sheriffs courts; and Section eighteen, down to "justices of the peace of the said county of Monmouth," and from "and that every of the sheriffs of the said counties" down to "there before the same justices" the words "as well by the said sheriffs as".
33 Hen. 8. c. 13 |
Lordships of Wales Act 1541 |
An Acte concerninge certain Lordshippes translatede from the countie of Denbigh to the countye of Flynt shire. |
Section one.
34 & 35 Hen. 8. c. 26 |
Laws in Wales Act 1542 |
An Acte for certain ordinances in the Kinges Majestys dominion and principalitie of Wales. |
Section ten, section twenty, from "which sheriff" to end of section; section twenty-one, section twenty-six, from "that everie of the saide shirifes" to the end of section twenty-seven, section twenty-eight, section twenty-nine, section thirty, and section thirty-one.
1 Edw. 6. c. 10 |
Exigents, etc. in Wales and Cheshire Act 1547 |
An Acte for wryghts and proclamacions in Wales and in the countie palatyne of Chester, Lancast' and also in the citie of Chester. |
The whole Act except so much of sections one and three as relates to coroners other than civil cases.
2 & 3 Edw. 6. c. 25 |
Sheriff's County Court Act 1548 |
An Acte for the keppinge of countie daies. |
The whole Act.
5 & 6 Edw. 6. c. 26 |
Proclamations and Exigents (Lancaster) Act 1551 |
An Acte for writtes uppon proclamation and exigentes to be currant within the countye palatyne of Lancaster. |
The whole Act, except so much of sections one and five as relates to corners in cases other than civil cases.
1 Mar. st. 2. c. 8 |
Sheriff Act 1553 |
An Act that sheriffs shall not be justices of peace during that office. |
The whole Act.
5 Eliz. 1. c. 23 |
Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo Act 1562 |
An Acte for the due execution of the writ de excommunicato capiendo. |
Section one from "and if the sheriffes return" to the end of the section; and section four.
27 Eliz. 1. c. 12 |
Swearing of Under-Sheriffs Act 1584 |
An Act for the swearing of under sheriffs and other under officers and mynisters. |
The whole Act so far as unrepealed.
29 Eliz. 1. c. 4 |
Sheriff's Poundage, etc. Act 1586 |
An Acte to prevent extortion in Sheriff's, under-sheriffs, and Bayliffes of Franchesies or Liberties in cases of execution. |
The whole Act.
43 Eliz. 1. c. 6 |
Frivolous Suits Act 1601 |
An Acte to avoide trifling and frivolous suites in law in Her Majesties courtes at Westm. |
The whole Act so far as unrepealed.
14 Cha. 2. c. 21 |
Expenses of Sheriffs Act 1662 |
An Act for preventing the unnecessary charge of sheriffs and for ease in passing theire accounts. |
The whole Act so far as unrepealed.
7 & 8 Will. 3. c. 25 |
Parliamentary Elections Act 1695 |
An Act for the further regulating elections of members to serve in Parliament and for the preventing irregular proceedings of sheriffs and other officers in the electing and returning such members. |
Section eight.
6 Ann. c. 12[h] |
Prison (Escape) Act 1706 |
An Act for rendring more effectual an Act passed in the first year of Her Majesties reign, intituled An Act for the better preventing escapes out of the Queen's Bench and Fleet prisons. |
Section five.
6 Ann. c. 31[i] |
Apprehension of Housebreakers Act 1706 |
An Act for the encouragement of the discovery and apprehending of housebreakers. |
The whole Act so far as unrepealed.
6 Ann. c. 41[j] |
Succession to the Crown Act 1707 |
An Act for the security of Her Majesty's person and government and of the succession to the crown of Great Britain in the Protestant Line. |
So much of section eight as relates to sheriffs.
3 Geo. 1. c. 15 |
Estreats Act 1716 |
An Act for the better regulating the office of sheriffs, and for ascertaining their fees, and the fees for suing out their patents and passing their accounts. |
The whole Act so far as it is unrepealed except section twelve.
1 Geo. 2. St. 1. c. 5 |
Demise of the Crown Act 1727 |
An Act for making further provision to enable persons possessed of offices at the demise of His late Majesty to qualify themselves for the enjoyment of such offices; and for altering and explaining the Acts of Parliament therein mentioned in relation to qualifying persons for continuing in offices, and to the continuance of the sheriffs of the county of Cornwall and county palatine of Chester, and several other officers therein mentioned, after the demise of His late Majesty; and for continuing such laws as would expire at the end of this session of Parliament. |
So much of section seven as relates to any sheriff.
13 Geo. 2. c. 18 |
Laws Continuance, etc. Act 1739 |
An Act, the title of which begins with the words "An Act to continue several laws therein mentioned;" and ends with the words "liberties and franchises to have such clerks as dwelling within themselves." |
Section six.
20 Geo. 2. c. 37 |
Return of Process by Sheriffs Act 1746 |
An Act for the ease of sheriffs with regard to the return of process. |
The whole Act.
24 Geo. 2. c. 48 |
Michaelmas Term Act 1750 |
An Act for the abbreviation of Michaelmas term. |
Section twelve.
32 Geo. 2. c. 28 |
Debtors Imprisonment Act 1758 |
An Act for relief of debtors with respect to the imprisonment of their persons: That no person who shall be in execution shall continue in execution in prison beyond a certain time and for sums not exceeding what are mentioned herein: and to make discovery of and deliver upon oath their estates for their creditors benefit. |
Sections one to four, and so much of sections eleven and twelve as relate to sheriffs and their officers.
4 Geo. 4. c. 37 |
Levy of Fines Act 1823 |
An Act to amend an Act for the more speedy recovery of fines, penalties, and forfeitures and recognizances estreated. |
Section one, from "and every sheriff, or other officer is hereby authorized and required on quitting his office to deliver the same"; and Section twenty.
3 & 4 Will. 4. c. 42 |
Civil Procedure Act 1833 |
An Act for the further amendment of the law and the better advancement of justice. |
Sections two to seven, nine to eleven, so much of sections thirty-nine and forty as relates to the portions repealed by this Act, from "but that the" to end of section and Schedule.
3 & 4 Will. 4. c. 99
Fines Act 1833
An Act for facilitating the appointment of sheriffs, and the more effectual audit and passing of their accounts; and for the more speedy return and recovery of fines, issues, forfeited recognizances, penalties and deodands; and to abolish certain offices in the Court of Exchequer.
Sections two to seven, nine to eleven, so much of sections thirty-nine and forty as relates to the portions repealed by this Act, also section forty from "but that the" to end of section and the Schedule.
6 & 7 Will. 4. c. 19 |
Durham (County Palatine) Act 1836 |
An Act for separating the palatine jurisdiction of the county palatine of Durham from the bishopric of Durham. |
Section two.
7 Will. 4 & 1 Vict. c. 55 |
Sheriff's Fees Act 1837 |
An Act for better regulating the fees payable to sheriffs upon the execution of civil process. |
The whole Act so far as unrepealed.
5 & 6 Vict. c. 98 |
Prisons Act 1842 |
An Act to amend the law concerning prisons. |
Section thirty-one so far as relates to sheriffs and their officers.
8 & 9 Vict. c. 11 |
Sheriffs (Wales) Act 1845 |
An Act for indemnifying sheriffs in Wales. |
The whole Act.
9 & 10 Vict. c. 44 |
Election of Members for Cheshire Act 1846 |
An Act relative to an Act, to the election of members to serve in Parliament for the county of Chester, the borough situate therein, and the city and county of the city of Chester. |
The whole Act.
13 & 14 Vict. c. 30 |
Sheriff of Westmorland Act 1850 |
An Act to provide for the appointment of sheriff of the county of Westmoreland. |
The whole Act.
22 & 23 Vict. c. 21 |
Queen's Remembrancer Act 1859 |
An Act to regulate the office of Queen's Remembrancer and to amend the practice and procedure on the Revenue side of the Court of Exchequer. |
Sections twenty-eight twenty-nine, and forty-two.
22 & 23 Vict. c. 32 |
County and Borough Police Act 1859 |
An Act to amend the law concerning the police in counties and boroughs in England and Wales. |
Section nineteen.
28 & 29 Vict. c. 104 |
Crown Suits, &c. Act 1865 |
The Crown Suits, &c. Act, 1865. |
Section twenty-five.
28 & 29 Vict. c. 126 |
Prison Act 1865 |
The Prison Act, 1865. |
Sections fifty-nine and sixty.
40 & 41 Vict. c. 21 |
Prison Act 1865 |
The Prison Act, 1877. |
Sections thirty-one and thirty-two.
42 & 43 Vict. c. 1 |
Spring Assizes Act 1879 |
The Spring Assizes Act, 1879. |
Section three down to "had not passed."
44 & 45 Vict. c. 68 |
Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1881 |
The Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1881. |
Section sixteen.